
Sub-group Members:   Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Denise Michel, Greg Shatan, Herb Waye, Jeff Neuman, Julf Helsingius, Klaus Stoll, Pam Little, Philip Corwin  (11)


Staff:  Berry Cobb, Karen Mulberry, Nathalie Vergnolle, Tristana Webster, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  George Sadowsky, Jordan Carter

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




  • Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check

  • Review Mandate

  • Review of where we are

    • Discuss outcomes from Hyderabad

    • Discuss recent changes and how they contribute to our task

    • Status of document requests

  • Review of what we need to get done and how we will get it done.

  • Schedule and can we still meet the short track schedule
  • AOB

Notes (including relevant portions of the chat):

- Intro stuff: agenda review, attendance, SOI check

  • Apologies received from Jordan Carter & George Sadowsky 
  • Roll call will be taken from the AC room
  • Agenda approved
  • No SOI updates

- Review mandate

  • Reviewed mandate from Annex12

- Review of where we are

  • Formal request for documentation made, stll pending
  • Had initial discussion with Goran in F2F in HYD
  • Jordan & Avri have discussed basis for cooperation between Staff and Community, and are preparing a write-up of those discussions to share with the group asap 
  • Denise: Do we have more details on how/when Goran is planning to document staff's role?
  • Avri: Should be part of the answers we are waiting to receive from ICANN
  • Greg: general message I heard from Goran is that the staff is here to serve/support the community. Performance reviews is a key point for this group to deal with.
  • Alan Greenberg: Performance reviews of people who are here to serve the volunteer community, but with no input from the volunteer community, is :"interesting"
  • Jeff Neumann would like to bring up another point. It feels that sometimes staff are at a loss and don't know what their path forward is. It is frustrating when something needs to be implemented and doesn't get implemented by ICANN staff.
  • We need answers on what exists, in order to review and further discuss.
  • Pam Little: Could we get a commitment when our questions will be answered?
  • Phil Corwin would like to bring up another point: means for GDD staff tio be sensitized to policy implications of certain contract negotiating positions and a procedure for them to inform policy staff and GNSO Council in advance to gather feedback on impact and appropriateness.

- Review of what we need to get done and how we will get it done.

  • Avri presented next steps per her presentation
  • Reviewed the Staff Acct dashboard slide, that will be updated monthly. 

- Schedule and can we still meet the short track schedule

  • Avri thought the group was on the longer track, but for now the group is on the shorter track.
  • Seems difficult to meet the shorter track timeline, given the remaining work.
  • Alan, Greg, Cheryl agree the group cannot meet the shorter schedule. 
  • Robin Gross: There are so many different ongoing working groups going on right now.  It is just not possible to get it all done on the timeline ICANN wants.


  • No AOB.

Documents Presented

week 48 slides (2).pdf

Chat Transcript

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Welcome all to the WS2 - Staff Accountability Subgroup | Meeting #5 | 1 December 2016 @ 19:00 UTC!

  Yvette Guigneaux:  When not speaking, kindly mute your phone. Use *6 to unmute.

  Herb Waye Ombuds:  Greetings folks....

  Greg Shatan:  I apologize for my prior lack of attendance.

  Yvette Guigneaux:  I unfortunately do not

  Philip Corwin:  5316 is my phone

  Yvette Guigneaux:  please identify for the record

  Yvette Guigneaux:  got you Philip - noted

  Yvette Guigneaux:  thanks for that

  Denise Michel:  Denise Michel is on -6597

  Yvette Guigneaux:  noted Denise - thank you

  Yvette Guigneaux:  sync set, scrolling available if needed

  Karen Mulberry:  Sorry on listen only

  Karen Mulberry:  The questions asked by the group are being worked on

  Denise Michel 2:  What's the timing, Karen?

  Karen Mulberry:  I don't have a specific date right now

  Denise Michel 2:  Would be good to have one. Thanks

  Yvette Guigneaux:  now we hear you, thanks  =)

  Karen Mulberry:  ICANN is in the middle of performance reviews and that is causing a bit of a delay in getting eveything together

  Alan Greenberg:  Performance reviews of people who are here to serve the volunteer community, but with no input from the volunteer community, is :  "interesting"

  Greg Shatan:  Still in the middle of the stream....

  Yvette Guigneaux:  We are getting an echo - please if you're listening in via cellphone, please turn down your computer speakers so there is no echo

  Greg Shatan:  But it is a key point for this group to deal with.

  Greg Shatan:  If you call it a 360 review, it may go down more easily.

  Greg Shatan:  360 degree review, that is.

  Jeff Neuman:  I have a separate issue

  Alan Greenberg:  In my mind, the fact that WE have to raise it  tells us a lot.

  Greg Shatan:  I think we are part of the 360.  But we could always call it a 720 review....

  Jeff Neuman:  and making sure the community knows where to go when aggrieved

  Jeff Neuman:  or they feel like they are aggrieved

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2:  indeed Jeff

  Philip Corwin:  Per notes and for the record, my comment was on means for GDD staff tio be sensitized to policy implications of certain contract negotiating positions and a procedure for them to inform policy staff and GNSO Council in advance to gather feedback on impact and appropriateness

  Nathalie Vergnolle:  The participation rate has been removed from the stats.

  Nathalie Vergnolle:  We are working on a dashboard wiki page. Will be more simple to find the dashboard in the future.

  Robin Gross:  There are so many different ongoing working groups going on right now.  It is just not possible to get it all done on the timeline ICANN wants.

  Jeff Neuman:  And to be frank, for a lot of us who are volunteering our time to ICANN, this work is not necessarily the topr priority

  Jeff Neuman:  No offence

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2:  So true!

  Pam Little:  Could we get a commitment when our questions will be answered?

  Jeff Neuman:  No, keeping you in the job is a worse punishment ;)

  Greg Shatan:  Working to a more appropriate schedule actually makes it easier to stick to a plan.

  Greg Shatan:  Might dock your pay, though....

  Karen Mulberry:  I will work to provide you a response early next week

  Karen Mulberry:  as to a date when the response can be provided

  Pam Little:  Thank you Karen.

  Greg Shatan:  Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'....

  Karen Mulberry:  response to the questions

  Greg Shatan:  I'm an optimist.

  Julf Helsingius:  Thanks, Avri!

  Philip Corwin:  Bye all

  Jeff Neuman:  thanks

  Nathalie Vergnolle:  Bye all

  Robin Gross:  Thanks Avri.  Bye all!

  Greg Shatan:  Thanks and bye!

  Karen Mulberry:  Thank you


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