Designation of a Chair for the meeting:

A Piazza was the designated Chair for the meeting and was replaced by D Anand in the middle of the meeting because of other work commitment

Adoption of the Agenda

The draft agenda was adopted as such by the participants

Open Public Comment Periods

At-Large policy staff is consulting with the IRT team to have a community call in the first week of June to provide a brief about their report.

Participants regret the lack of translations into Spanish of the policy documents currently under public consultation. They fear that there will not be enough time for them to submit their comments, particularly for those public comments that end on 5 June.

H Ullrich will ask the translation service staff what is the timeline for the publication of translations and keep LACRALO posted when the translations of the draft FY10 Operating Plan and Budget and the one of the Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure are available.

Members are asked to continue commenting the subjects currently under ICANN public consultation through the LACRALO discussion list. ALAC LACRALO representatives will send the outcome of ALAC 26 May meeting to the LACRALO list.

Draft FY10 Operating Plan and Budgetnbsp --> (ends 17 June 09)
Revised gTLD Registries Stakeholder Petition -->(ends 10 June 09)
Single, Two and Select Three Character Names in Dot-pronbsp --> (ends 5 June 09)
Revised Conflicts of Interest Policynbsp --> (ends 5 June 09)
Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure -->(ends 28 May 09)
IRT Draft Reportnbsp --> (ends 24 May 09)

Sydney Meeting

Members must leave their suggestions for what their ALAC and secretariat representatives should be considering on the At-Large meeting schedule.
At-Large Meeting Schedule and Agendas

H Ullrich will send the links regarding past minutes of the regional secretariats meetings and about the ALAC and secretariat past resource allocations to D Anand and the discussion list. She will also inquire about the declarations sent on behalf of LACRALO in the past and pass that information too.

D Monastersky passed on the link into Spanish for the final report of the ALAC review to the LACRALO participants:

Recent Activities of ALAC

The next ALAC teleconference is on 26 May. The agenda will be sent to the LACRALO list. The alac has been very busy in the last week preparing statements on the new gTLD, Improving Institutional Confidence, the Intellectual Property recommendations on the new gTLDs and the fiscal year 2010 budget and operating plan framework.

Recent Activities of RALOs

LACRALO agreed to have a LACRALO Google map. Heidi will ask the Web development team to develop a Google map for LACRALO within a week and the map could be further improved during the Sydney meeting.

EURALO has recently developed a set of online working tools which allow them to plan the upcoming IT related events within their region they want to attend and some of their future outreach activities to increase the number of ALSes. They are currently working on a 2 pages basic folder for a short presentation on EURALO/At-Large/ICANN activities to be used for outreach.

AFRALO, for their part, have released two documents. One is the outcome of a survey they carried out among their ALSes to highlight the barriers to participation and engagement; one of the barriers proved to be the lack of policy documents in French.

The second documents deals with capacity-building and sets out several projects that they will implement to help remove the barriers: they plan to have more briefings on policy issues by means of At-Large community calls as well as specific calls for the AFRALO region.

D Anand suggested using the video footage from the Summit presentation for outreach. ALSes could use it in their presentations about At-Large and ICANN or for key issues such as the new gTLDs. LACRALO agreed that the major challenge for the RALO was to reach out to the actual internet individual user.

There is now an At-Large Wiki page for policy briefings. H Ullrich suggested to the participants they should have the information flow between individual internet users, the ALSes, the RALOs and ALAC listed among the suggestions for the ALAC/Secretariat meeting.

ALAC members are developing a template for the ALSes. Each ALS will complete it with basic information about their activities and the social networking they belong to. This information will be placed on the Alses’ identification tags on the map.

EURALO and NARALO are developing some provisions in their legal documents.

Both RALO have asked for a training session on Adobe.Connect and At-large staff will set up two Q&A community calls on the Adobe.Connect chat room. This application will allow each participant to view slide presentation during the meetings but it remains to be seen how to operate that in case of a presentation for a two language community. Would there need to be two Adobe Connect rooms, one showing English version of presentation, and one showing Spanish version of presentation?.
C Langdon-Orr further commented that Actually in some of its Summit WG's, At-Large ran several notes spaces one for each participant language and the participants could use the language of their choice in a single screen/ space. Of course, presentations per se need to be either in multiple languages (as required) or there should be several language versions but this latter option would need two rooms to be running at the same time. However, documents which are for collaborative work can be used in a multi notes screen section with the Adobe.Connect tool. She is currently testing several other similar tools (DimDim).

H Ullrich will set up a LACRALO Adobe.Connect room before the next LACRALO teleconference. She advises the members to consult the Adobe.connect resource for self-training.
With Adobe.connect, the chat function would permit bilingual participants to do the translation and transmit it to the rest of their language community.


D Anand commented that he had looked on the Wiki the documentation about the LACRALO ALSes and it had helped getting to know them but he was surprised that the majority of them only had one name for the representatives.

The next LACRALO teleconference is set up on 18 June. However, D Anand thinks he will be travelling that day. Therefore, if confirmed by Dev, H Ullrich will set up a doodle vote for another date.

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