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For Review by Wednesday 20 October at 11:59:59 PM UTC at the latest

Wednesday 13 October 2010 at 18.30 UTC

  • GNSO_WG_Guidelines_with_Comments_[JSE+ad]Oct2010.doc

Wednesday 5 October 2010 at 18.30 UTC

For review:

Wednesday 26 May 2010 at 18.00 UTC

For review:

Wednesday 19 May 2010 at 18.00 UTC

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 12 May 2010 at 18.00 UTC

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 28 April 2010 at 18.00 UTC

Wednesday 21 April 2010 at 18.00 UTC

Wednesday 14 April 2010 at 18.00 UTC (

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 7 April 2010 at 18.00 UTC (

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 31 March 2010 at 18.00 UTC (To be confirmed)

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Public Comment Announcement - 19 January 2010JSE.doc

For Review by COB on Wednesday 3 February at the latest:

Public Comment Announcement - 19 January 2010JSE.doc

Wednesday 27 January 2010 at 19.00 UTC Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 6 January 2010 at 19.00 UTC

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 16 December 2009 at 19.00 UTC

Adobe Connect:

For review:

Wednesday 25 November 2009 at 19.00 UTC

For review:

Wednesday 7 October 2009 at 18.00 UTC

Documents for review:

  • Working Group Guidelines - Updated 5 October 2009.doc / Working Group Guidelines - Updated 5 October 2009.pdf / Wiki version Working Group Guidelines - 5 October
    ----Wednesday 30 September 2009 at 1800 UTC

Documents for review:

Adobe Connect:

Tentative Agenda:

  • Review all changes to Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines (ICDG), see Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines - Updated 21 September 2009.pdf / Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines - Updated 21 September 2009.doc
  • Decide any remaining questions with goal to complete/approve the ICDG
  • Agree on plan/timetable for reviewing the Operating Model Guidebook (OMG)
    ----Wednesday 16 September at 18.00 UTC

Documents for review:

  • Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines - Updated 15 September 2009.pdf
  • Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines - Updated 15 September 2009.doc

Adobe Connect:

Wednesday 9 September at 18.00 UTC

Documents for review:

Documents for review:

Meeting Summary and Action Items (26 Aug 2009)

Four WGT members were able to meet in Sydney from 3:30- 5:30 p.m. to continue making progress on the Operating Model Guidebook (OMG) outline. Participating were: J. Scott Evans (Chair), Graham Chynoweth, Jonne Soininen, and Ken Bour (Staff). The group was able to complete Sections 2 and 3.

Conference Call: Wednesday, 10 June 2009 (1700 UTC)

Meeting Summary and Action Items

Original Direction:

From 6 May through 13 May, the entire WG Team is charged with reviewing, updating, and commenting on two WIKI pages as follows:

Working Group Implementation and Charter Drafting Guidelines (WG-ICDG)
Working Group Operating Model Guidebook (WG-OMG)

Assuming a consensus is reach after 13-15 May, each of the two sub-teams will then meet independently during the weeks of 18 May, 25 may, and 1 June to complete document drafting tasks.

Conference Call: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 (1700 UTC)

Summary & Action Items

Agenda: 6 May 2009

1) Review Sub-Team Tasks

J. Scott

5-10 Mins.

2) ”Charter” Outline Summary


15-20 Mins.

3) “Model” Outline Summary


15-20 Mins.

4) Next Steps & Timeline

J. Scott and All

10-15 Mins.

Conference Call: Wednesday, 15 April at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Summary & Action Items

Per J. Scott's request (see below under Last Meeting 'Summary and Action Items'), please indicate your preference in terms of Drafting Teams by completing this Doodle poll:


1) Review Sub-Team Reports (A, B, & C)

  • Note: See Ken's Consolidated Version-Updated for Item #9 of the three reports similarly formatted and presented along with all 9 original items from the Team Charter document.
  • Recommend that we table this document for subsequent use in the next phase of the WGT's work

2) Discuss Next Phase of Project Work

  • Build two drafting teams (1-Charter Guidelines & 2-Operating Model)
  • Discuss approach to developing these documents
  • Assign team members to each one
  • Set milestones

3) AOB

Conference Call: Thursday, 26 March (1500 UTC / 1100 EDT / 0800 PT)


1. Reports on Group reviews:

See Report for Group A submitted by Tim
See Report for Group B submitted by Subbiah
See Report for Group C submitted by Zac (a.k.a. "Brandy") and revised by Caroline (27 March) as requested by Staff

Charter Items



Initial Volunteers

#1, 2, 3



Cheryl, Mike, Iliya

#4, 5, 9




#6, 7, 8




2. Next Steps
A. Refinement of Interim Working Group Rules
B. Development of Working Group Charter Guidelines

3. AOB

Meeting Summary and Action Items uploaded by Ken Bour and emailed to the list on 26 March 2009.

Conference Call: Thursday, 19 March 2009 (1800 UTC / 1400 EDT / 1100 PT)

Key Decisions:

  • Confirmation of Tim Ruiz motion in the Team Charter (I.2.1)
  • First set of Work Plan tasks and assignments were made

Meeting Summary and Action Items posted by Ken Bour

An MP3 Recording of the call is available at this link:
Note: fast forward to about 9:45 or 1/3 distance into the recording at which point Glen announces the roll call.

28 Feb 2009: ICANN Mexico City

0900-1030 PPSC Kickoff Meeting: Slide Presentation (Rm. Don Diego 2)
1100-1230 Working Group Team Meeting (Rm. Don Diego 2)

Team Assignments: On 4 Mar 2009, J. Scott requested that all team members...

  1. Review the Brainstorming Notes taken at the 28 Feb Kickoff in Mexico City
  2. Begin thinking about drafting of our Work Plan-> to be completed by March 21, 2009. (KB Note: I created a new Work Plan-> page for our drafting activities)
  3. Consider the motion put forth by Tim Ruiz to amend one of the Team's Goals. In particular, point 1 of 9 under the Team Charter, Section I.2.1. To assist you in considering this motion, I inserted Tim's language as a Comment to that page. (NOTE: No Objections registered as of 13 March -- COMPLETED)

Prior Meetings: Archive->

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