The call for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group is scheduled for Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at 04:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

20:00 PST (Tuesday), 23:00 EST (Tuesday), 04:00 London,05:00 CET

For other times:


The proposed agenda for our Working Group call on 22 February at 0400 UTC is as follows: 

  1. Roll call (via Adobe Connect and phone bridge only) and updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Finalize any remaining open questions and requests for additional input from both tables (Categories 1-2, and Categories 3-6), agree on final list of follow up questions for Deloitte
  3. Discuss whether TMCH as it operates today fulfills the requirements of the Applicant Guidebook for the 2012 New gTLD Program round
  4. Next steps/next meeting (including discussion of possible change of day for the rotating 0400 UTC call)


For Agenda Item #2, please refer to the Working Group wiki space for the updated tables, which can be found under the heading Follow Up Notes for the last two meetings:[] (for Categories 1-2) and[] (for Categories 3-6).


For Agenda Item #3, the TMCH is described in Module 5 of the Final Applicant Guidebook (AGB) from June 2012:[]. Staff will also be preparing a list of all the source materials for the TMCH, including relevant Board requests and GNSO Council actions. Finally, the Working Group co-chairs would like to request that if you have examples of where the TMCH implementation may have deviated from or exceeded the scope as contemplated by the AGB, please compile these and send them to this mailing list so that they can be discussed by the full Working Group at the appropriate time.

Documents: (see links above in agenda)


Adobe Connect recording


AC Chat


Apologies: Jonathan Agmon, Marie Pattullo, Vinzenz Heussler, Pascal Böhner, Lori Schulman, Jonathan Matkowsky 

Audio only: none

Follow up notes: 


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