Participants: C Wilkinson (ISOC Chapter of Wallonia), D Pefeva (ISOC Bulgaria), S Bachollet (ISOC France), W Huelsmann (Deutsche Vereinigung fuer Datenschutz DVD e.V.), O Passek (FoeBuD e.V.), L Donnerhacke (Foerderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft), A Muehlberg (Netzwerk Neue Medien NNM), P Vande Walle (ISOC Luxembourg A.S.B.L.), A Danciu (Association for Technology and Internet APTI), A Olivia (ISOC – Catalan Chapter), W Ludwig, Samantha (, R Vansnick (Internet Society Belgium), F Gerbosch (Internet Society Belgium), W Drake (Komitee fuer eine demokratische UNO), Jeanette Hofmann (Vice-Chair, Germany), D Miloshevic (Board member, UK), W Seltzer (ALAC Liaison), C Langdon-Orr (ALAC Chair)

Staff: F Teboul, M Langenegger, N Ashton-Hart, D Michel

1. 14:00 – 14:10 Welcome and opening of 1st EURALO General Assembly

The Chair called the meeting to order at 14:12. He welcomed the participants and introduced new Staff members.
The draft agenda was approved by the General Assembly.

2. 14:10 – 14:25 Messages from the Host of the Paris Meeting S Bachollet, the ALAC Chair C Langdon-Orr, At-Large Regional Affairs Manager F Teboul, ALAC's Board Liaison W Seltzer (3 mins each)

The host of the Paris Meeting, Sebastian Bachollet, the ALAC Chair, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, the At-Large Regional Affairs Manager, Frederic Teboul, and ALAC's Board Liaison, Wendy Seltzer, made short introductory remarks.

3. 14:25 – 14:45 Briefing on current ICANN Policy by ICANN Vice President Policy D Michel
ICANN Vice President Policy, Denise Michel, gave a short presentation on current ICANN activities and answered questions. Link

4. 14:45 – 15:00 Current policy activities in ICANN – the possibility for the At-Large involvement in the GNSO - Nick
Nick Ashton-Hart, the At-Large Director, gave a short introduction to current policy activities.

5. 15:00 – 15:30 Discussion, Presentation and acceptance of the Chair Report
The GA accepted the following Board Report by consensus. Click here for the Chair Report(PDF document)

6. 15:40 – 16:00 Report on the preparations of an At-Large User Summit (ATLAS) - Sébastien
S Bachollet gave a short overview on the recent activities on the At-Large User Summit. The Summit proposal has recently been transmitted to the Board and the Board is expected to deliver a response during the Paris meeting. There will be a public session on the Summit on Thursday Click here for the Agenda

7. 16:00 – 16:15 Discussion and approval of the EURALO working program and projects 2008-09
The Chair presented the draft working program that had been developed by the EURALO Board in the morning. The GA members were asked to to comment on the priority subject list and to express their personal priorities for the program items. The list will be put on the public web space and the participants are invited to add new items or emerging issues.

The document with the priorities of GA participants can be found here (PDF document). This are the areas the participants will be working on. The plan is to create small working groups on the various topics. The working groups should produce short working papers on their subjects and submit them to the board and EURALO-list for discussion.

ALSes who have already focused on some of these issues and are somehow specialised should take a thematic lead on it.
A list of the existing At-Large Policy Working Groups can be found here: WG lists.

8. 16:15 – 16:20 Approval of EURALO's working budget 2008-09
The Chair presented the working budget 2008-09. He explained that, due to the submission deadline, he had already submitted the working budget.
No objections were raised. The GA approved the working budget.
Annette Muehlberg made the following motion: The next EURALO working Budget will assure that all Board members - incl. individual Board members - will be funded to attend the EURALO Board meetings.The motion was approved by consensus. There were no objections to this motion.

9. 16:20 – 16:35 Review of EURALO’s by-laws and need for revision (as noted in Lisbon), regarding the participation and membership of individual users and in EURALO (Introduction and discussion of resolution)
A short discussion helped to remind everyone of the open question: In Lisbon, agreement was reached that EURALO accepts and welcomes individual members in addition to ALSs. What needs qualification is the issue of voting rights for individual members.
The Chair suggested to creating a working group to develop a solution for this problem. The task of the working group is to draft a provision for EURALO’s by-laws and present for a discussion to the GA. The following EURALO members expressed their interest to participate in this working group: J Hofmann, R Vansnick, W Ludwig.

10. 16:35 – 16:50 Consensus decision on the board structure, work and (re-)elections - Board
Background: In May 2007, nine EURALO board members were elected, five candidates for a two-year term, and four candidates for a one-year term. One elected member with a two-years term stepped down earlier this month. According to the charter, the board is composed of five to nine members. Thus, the General Assembly needs to elect at least one member and can elect up to five members.
As the result of a call for nominations during the EURALO board meeting, the following individuals expressed their interest to run for a board seat:

• Rudi Vansnick
• Bill Drake
• Annette Mühlberg
• Desiree Miloshevic

The Chair presented these candidates and called for additional board nominations. There were no further nominations.
The Chair then asked the GA if there were any objections to the presented list of candidates. There were no objections made by the GA members.
EURALO will be informed of the candidates via email. If no objections are raised on the EURALO discussion list within 7 days after the email has been sent, no electronic vote will take place, and the decision of the GA will be considered confirmed. In case of objections, a formal vote will be held.

11. 16:50 – 16:55 Call for Nomination and Introduction of EURALO ALAC candidates
Background: Due to the withdrawal of one European ALAC member, we have to fill a seat. Another position will become available in October. During the EURALO board meeting, the Chair asked for expression of interests for these two ALAC seats. Three individuals expressed their interests.
Another candidate was proposed at the General Assembly meeting. Right now, we have four candidates for two European ALAC seats:

• Sébastien Bachollet (ISOC France),
• Adela Danciu (Association for Technology and Internet APTI),
• Lutz Donnerhacke (Foerderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft),
• Patrick Vande Walle (ISOC Luxembourg A.S.B.L.),

The Chair adjourned the meeting.

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