Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 34

15 October 2019 @ 18:00 – 19:30 UTC


1.) Welcome and Introduction

2.) Action items (only report on open items)


Action Items

Action 01 34 2019

PTI to send an email to CSC to concur with proposed SLA changes


Action 02 34 2019

The secretariat to draft note to seek approval from Councils, for approval at the October meeting


Action 03 34 2019

Secretariat to seek information about ccNSO and GNSO Councils approval schedules, to be presented to CSC


Action 04 34 2019

ICANN Org Staff to resend updated CSC report for approval


Action 05 34 2019

CSC to inform RySG of potential candidates


Action 06 34 2019

Chair to propose alternative and update quorum rule (section 5.2) For limited purposes, all appointed members



3.) PTI Performance September 2019

a) PTI report to CSC

b) CSC report


4.) Update CSC Members & Liaisons Selection Process

a) Current status

b) Chair & Vice-Chair Election Schedule

c) On-boarding new members


5.) Update and Next Steps SLA changes

a) IDN Tables

b) ccTLD transfer


6.) ICANN66 Montreal: CSC Public Session, 04 November 2019, 15:15-16:45 EST

a) Other scheduled meetings & meetings of interest

b) Presentations

  • Update for community?
  • Full deck as reference material?

7.) AOB

8.) Adjourn

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