
Members:  James Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Patrik Fältström, Steve Crocker, Barry Leiba, Jeffrey Neuman, Jaap Akkerhuis, Rod Rasmussen, Merike Kaeo, Jeff Schmidt

Apologies: Russ Mundy

Observers:  Jothan Frakes

Staff/Contractor:  Steve Sheng, Matt Larson, Kimberly Carlson, Kathy Schnitt


NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
4 November 2020 | 19:00 UTC

  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Updates to SOI
  3. New members (none)
  4. Revised Study 2 proposal
  5. Next meetings 

Recording:  Zoom Playback


Background material (see google doc)

Chat: chat NCAP DG 4 Nov.txt

Decisions Made:

  • Group has been encouraged to review revised Study 2 proposal
  • Decision was made to keep the time of the meeting at 19:00 UTC
  • Group will meet weekly, no increase in frequency or duration (for now)

  • No labels