00:15:12 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call
00:17:29 Evin Erdogdu - ICANN org: Hello all, welcome
00:18:18 Obed Sindy: Hello all
00:18:34 hadia Elminiawi: Hello al
00:18:37 hadia Elminiawi: all
00:18:43 Greg and Deborah: Hello, all!
00:18:59 Claudia Ruiz: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
00:19:27 Siranush Vardanyan - ICANN Org: Hi, everyone
00:20:17 Roberto Gaetano: Good choice not to have it on Xmas Day - although we could have exchanged greetings… 
00:20:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It was a good readout as well Thanks Maureen
00:21:19 Frank Anati: hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana  https://www.linkedin.com/mwliin/frank-anati
00:21:35 Frank Anati: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-anati
00:22:29 Alfredo Calderon - ICANN73 Mentor: Saludos a todos/as. Hello to all!
00:22:33 Heidi Ullrich: AIs from ICANN72: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+and+At-Large+Action+Items+from+ICANN72
00:23:15 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Hi everyone!
00:23:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That has not been set up yet
00:24:53 Jonathan Zuck: I don't believe Edmon has been briefed
00:25:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That is ready to go … Pver to you Heidi
00:26:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It is a LOT of prep work
00:26:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but were getting there...
00:26:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ans a MASS of work for our fabulous staff who we should thank!!
00:27:15 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you Heidi
00:27:34 Heidi Ullrich: You are welcome. It it is huge amount of data input.
00:27:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we are grateful
00:29:37 Marita Moll: +1 -- although we have not been looking for work
00:29:49 Marita Moll: Still plenty of that there
00:30:54 Marita Moll: Just a little less of a scramble
00:34:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It takes some time BUT it increases the general understanding of topics and matters AND it is a strong position to then build consensus from in a PDP process when it is indeed more 'group' opinion that "just" a few people... So a worthy exercise IMO
00:35:06 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: kudos to the CPWG on this
00:36:45 Hadia Elminiawi: +1 Olivier we are a community that help each other
00:36:58 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It is also a great place to learn a LOT about a wide breadth of ICANN matters.... Agree @OCL we can use it as a 'hot house' for next leadership
00:37:41 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: I learn new stuff on every CPWG call and I've been around for a long time, so it's always fascinating
00:38:20 Hadia Elminiawi: New things are always happening @ICANN
00:38:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Indeed @OCL!!!
00:38:55 Roberto Gaetano: … but also sometimes it is good to have a refresher on old things, not to forget the historical memory
00:39:16 Justine Chew: Apart from policy questions/content, you also get to try your hand at honing your skills in distilling issues, presenting concepts and building consensus on ideas and responses. In CPWG. Join us!
00:39:19 Roberto Gaetano: and the CPWG can provide that as well
00:39:41 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well noted @Justine!!!
00:40:54 Justine Chew: the EPDP on IGOs is about making sure IGOs have proper curative protection rights over domain names that match their acronyms
00:43:32 Frank Anati: @Justine, how can I become a volunteer for the CPWG
00:45:07 Justine Chew: @Frank, first you should join the CPWG calls.
00:45:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I think this managed iterative process of clarification on advice to the Board from ALAC is a great step forward for At-Large
00:45:49 Justine Chew: @Staff, can you please liaise with Frank Anati about joining the CPWG? Thankis.
00:45:54 Justine Chew: *Thanks
00:46:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @Frank calls are always adversised on the weekly calls listing from staff
00:46:09 Evin Erdogdu - ICANN org: @Frank - please see the CPWG workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/jYDpB and reach out to At-Large staff :) staff@atlarge.icann.org
00:47:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: 42 topics areas in SubPro and recommendations and Implementation Advice as sub points for each m topic
00:48:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: so yes a LOT of specific points to address
00:49:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: AND the CPWG workspace has a full set of excellent explanatory slide sets used by the CPWG in developing theis advice that was then endorsed by the ALAC so it is all archived as learnig material
00:49:19 Evin Erdogdu - ICANN org: Next CPWG meeting is tomorrow/Wednesday, 24 Nov @ 13 UTC: https://community.icann.org/x/xoDOCg
00:49:57 Hadia Elminiawi: we shall be discussing the board's requests for clarification in relation to ALAC EPDP Phase 2 Advice during tomorrow's CPWG meeting
00:50:14 Hadia Elminiawi: as Alan mentioned
00:50:50 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: LACIGF TOMORROW - se Will tale about our regional work on UA
00:51:52 Ricardo Holmquist: @Vanda, great!
00:51:55 Claudia Ruiz: https://community.icann.org/x/mQK7Cg
00:52:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: SO do please bookmark this new page and list it to watch so you get notified when Justine updates this wiki page
00:54:12 Judith Hellerstein: Thanks Marita
00:54:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Operations Finance and Budget WG OFB-WG looks at budget and thongs like Strategic planning etc., in ICANN
00:54:20 Justine Chew: And org reviews too @Marita
00:54:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yes it's in the name ;-) Operations ;-)
00:55:06 Marita Moll: Yes, MSM also is discussed there. Didn't want to take up too much time
00:56:40 Justine Chew: I should point out that Board Liaisons are being "appointed" the GNSO Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team and the GNSO EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names.
00:57:04 Justine Chew: *"appointed to"
00:57:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is also the home for where the detailed "Prioritisation for all Recommendations etc.," base work is developed in Small Team mode brining in specific expertise ALL these meetings are open to observers and contributors
00:58:43 Heidi Ullrich: FY23 ABR workspace -
00:58:44 Heidi Ullrich: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY23+Budget+Development+Workspace
01:00:08 Greg and Deborah: @Justine, Please let me know if there’s any way in which I can support you in your role as GNSO Liaison. Thanks!
01:00:16 Heidi Ullrich: Please note At-Large timelines as well as the docs produced by ICANN Finance.
01:00:28 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Welcome León
01:01:25 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks Gisella!
01:01:29 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Hello everyone!
01:02:32 Justine Chew: We shall try to build up further on our collaborative works with GAC.
01:02:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: G'day from AU @Leon
01:03:00 Judith Hellerstein: I have to leave now to get on a train. Sorry to miss the rest of the session
01:04:25 Justine Chew: That's a lot @Joanna!
01:04:34 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Nicely don @Joanna!
01:04:46 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks all!
01:05:25 Hadia Elminiawi: Hello Leon
01:06:44 Greg and Deborah: Very high quality liaising all around! This is a critical role, since the liaisons are so often the face and voice of ALAC/At Large to these structures/communities.
01:07:12 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks Greg! We'll make sure to represent end users well!
01:07:48 Justine Chew: Thanks @Greg. Will ping you when I need help :)
01:10:02 Goran Marby: Hi all. Sorry to be late
01:10:13 Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, Goran.
01:11:48 Joanna Kulesza: @Leon, I think it is officially now the Eternal Working Group, no? ;)
01:12:25 Marita Moll: endless, eternal -- maybe also exasperating
01:12:41 Justine Chew: exhausting
01:12:46 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: So it seems @Joanna!
01:12:47 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Expedited does actually refer to the matter that there was NO *issue Report* required to start the PDP of course not a speed measure however the charter of an EPDP may have timing in its planning or a limit as the first EPDP had ;-)
01:13:43 Joanna Kulesza: Love all of these. Nothing like IG acronyms to put a smile on my face. Thanks all.
01:13:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: an issue report is otherwise required to establish need for the PDP and is often a year lomg process before a GNSO PDP can be scoped and chartered
01:14:05 Justine Chew: +1 Cheryl. As with many terms that the GNSO uses, "expedited" does not carry the general meaning of that word.
01:14:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That said all the E 'meanings' do make me smile but just remember the facts of the nomenclature
01:15:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yup @Justone welcome to the prime role of the GNSO Liaison ;-)
01:15:19 Hadia Elminiawi: I lost audio
01:15:24 Hadia Elminiawi: back again
01:15:37 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks so much for the update, Leon.
01:15:50 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks everyone
01:15:57 Matthias M. Hudobnik: great update leon
01:16:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Always a highlight of the meeting Léon Thank you!
01:16:28 Roberto Gaetano: Nomenclature is sometimes funny even in the non-ICANN world. In italian, “accelerate” means “accelerated” - you think it may mean fast - but the “accelerate” trains are the slowest because they stop at every station.
01:16:32 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks @Mathias!
01:16:36 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks @Cheryl!
01:17:18 Justine Chew: Exactly, @Roberto. And we must not forget that A LOT of work is done before a PDP WG is even constituted.
01:17:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I miss our chats Roberto this is why :-) we can wax lyrical on such matters
01:18:35 Hadia Elminiawi: We can go up to Z
01:18:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-) @Göran
01:18:43 Joanna Kulesza: Love this proposal @Goran! In particular with the CoE Budapest convention additional protocol II (on WHOIS) being approved.
01:19:27 Joanna Kulesza: Please note there will likely be _also_ a dedicated DNS Abuse EU regulation.
01:19:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Some of the NSI2 Recs are astonishing from a Tech POV
01:20:22 Alan Greenberg: Most recent proposal removes root servers from NIS2...
01:20:36 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: This is a very important remark by Göran. Meetings are F2F by default unless conditions impede it
01:20:41 SAMUEL KWASI DANSO: Good evening Goran
01:20:43 Alan Greenberg: And the stub server in your PC also no longer there!
01:21:27 Raymond Mamattah: Pls come to Africa, we are okay here even without the vaccine.
01:21:37 Sivasubramanian M: Not only the root server legislative proposal, there are several national, regional and global legislative matters on which ICANN may have to formally inform the legislative bodies on what is good for a connected world.
01:21:55 Marita Moll: Maybe somewhere there should be short, informal explanations about why endusers should care about these leg. changes
01:22:38 Maureen Hilyard: Please feel free to put your hand up if you have a question for Goran or Leon
01:22:45 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ICANN Meetings rotate almost in perfect synch with seasonal and mid seasonal changes (have a look at a pagan dalender sometime ;-)
01:22:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: calendar
01:23:57 Maureen Hilyard: can we have the gallery shot of everyone?
01:25:17 Yesim Saglam: Done
01:26:56 Heidi Ullrich: See Blog by Elena Plexida on European Commission initiatives relevant to the DNA and DNS service providers: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/european-commission-unveils-important-initiatives-relevant-to-the-dns-and-dns-service-providers-16-12-2020-en
01:27:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The work of the Domains and Jurisdiction Contact Group that Joanna and I serve on amongst others from At-Large is also discussing all this primarily from the Industry POV but a lot of work is being done on all this...
01:29:20 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Don’t mess with RSs
01:29:58 Roberto Gaetano: maybe the IGF is a good place to raise these issues with governments
01:30:22 Goran Marby: It is one of the places we should raise it
01:30:27 Justine Chew: Policy changes when governments change too
01:30:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: often on principle and for no good reason @Justine
01:31:56 Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo: And what about SFICR?
01:31:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: or dumb stuff gets carriage from politicians leading up to election cycle
01:32:15 Justine Chew: Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR)
01:32:32 Hadia Elminiawi: @Justine the policies we are talking about in relation to privacy or security are not the kind of polices that change with the change of governments. This is a general world wide trend
01:33:00 Hadia Elminiawi: Policies
01:33:23 Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo: I know Justine
I am asking how we can invoke SFICR?
01:33:30 Matthias M. Hudobnik: Very good point Goran!
01:33:32 Sivasubramanian M: What ICANN needs to convey to the Govenments by way of an assurance that the global multistakeholder process is competently taking care of concerns a, b, c, d and e
01:33:50 Justine Chew: @Seb, that was for benefit of others (not you)
01:34:03 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: O beg to differ @Hadia I think its very political but more the domino effect of Öhh look that lot did this and their public thought it OK so we want one too approach to Policy and Regulatory development
01:35:24 Sivasubramanian M: ... competenly addressing, and effectively taking care of, and further evolving governance processes ....
01:36:50 Justine Chew: .... and without resulting in undesirable consequences that weren't considered ...
01:37:16 Marita Moll: SFICR was not part of my question. But always good to be reminded of how it works. I am just hoping to get more info. earlier about legislative proposals in a format that they can be communicated to endusers.
01:37:20 Hadia Elminiawi: @Cheryl but maybe we could agree that online privacy and security issues are now a necessity due to the digital transformation taking part everywhere. Also most of these laws and regulations speak the same language and addrees the same topics
01:38:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and NIS2 fails in several tech aspects of doing that as she is writ at this stage
01:39:47 Greg Shatan: We have brought NIS 2 upon ourselves. And I don’t think anyone is trying to circumvent the law — that is just an “opposition MIS characterization”
01:39:47 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Policy Evolution in an MSM over Regulatory process is *always* my preference!!!!
01:40:01 Jonathan Zuck: GDPR is a PERFECT example of an imperfect regulation.
01:40:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: exactly @JZ!
01:40:22 Justine Chew: Agree @JZ!
01:40:35 Hadia Elminiawi: +1 Goran The multi stakeholder model can develop better policies because we know our stuff more. GDPR lead to some unintended consequences that many were not aware of
01:40:47 Hadia Elminiawi: GDPR led
01:40:51 Erich Schweighofer: Multistakeholder produces more results than the ILC and international treaties - all Stakeholders are on-board and compliance is quite high. However, multistakeholder is always subject to national Legislation … the main challenge of ICANN's rule. As long as … (Solange) … still the Position of the EU.
01:41:32 Jonathan Zuck: We do indeed
01:42:19 Greg Shatan: We did not do so well in dealing with those unintended consequences in the eyes of many in and outside ICANN. If we had, NIS 2 would not be what it is.
01:43:34 Erich Schweighofer: Not so true … there are people around in NIS2 knowing ICANN very well but …. the Lobbying may go the wrong way.
01:44:12 Greg Shatan: +1 Alan
01:44:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: lobbying of uninformed by a good tech base is always a risk in these matters I agree @Erich
01:46:38 Roberto Gaetano: @CLO - lobbying is also not always “bona fide” - I mean that lobbying can push in a direction regardless what tech would suggest - so informing the lobbyist is necessary, but not sufficient
01:46:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed @Roberto :-)
01:47:00 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrante!
01:47:22 Alan Greenberg: No one is blaming contracted parties or ICANN for GDPR. But we will apparently have to strongly disagree on the rest.
01:47:24 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Yes! Happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
01:47:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes and those that travel to family and friends at Thanksgiving Travel Safe!
01:47:41 Matthias M. Hudobnik: +1 Alan!
01:47:50 Hadia Elminiawi: +1 Alan
01:47:51 Erich Schweighofer: It is not only Lobbying but also who sits on the table. ICANN is not there ...
01:47:52 Sivasubramanian M: @Cheryl The first step to "MSM in broader, national and global policy" is for the existing mutistakeholder process to more formally and more directly inform and advise the multilateral forums on what ICANN is doing by the multistakeholder process and how effectively, and what more by the supportive strength of the governments. In this phase it is important not only to deal with inclinations to impose multilateral process in Internet Governance, but also reverse it by asking the Governments to be far more supportive, in global public interest.
01:48:09 Justine Chew: We could come on and have egg nog together, no?
01:48:11 Goran Marby: Alan, sorry if I misunderstood then
01:48:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: This open and interactive chat has been excellent thanks to all involved Good ending to our Calendar of 2021 ALAC/At-Large Meetings
01:49:16 Hadia Elminiawi: @Goran you are indeed in a safe space
01:49:30 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Wonderful time with Goran
01:49:35 Sarah Kiden: Great chat indeed!
01:50:31 Justine Chew: Can we take a picture of your grin @Goran?
01:50:42 Justine Chew: HAHAHAHA
01:50:43 Marita Moll: Another thing to thank the Swedes for --
01:50:43 Matthias M. Hudobnik: :)
01:51:01 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: no waist of time this is excellent!
01:51:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: waste damnauto correct)
01:51:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well noted @Léon
01:51:54 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and Greetings of the Season to everyone!
01:51:56 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: We Need These times Always!
01:51:57 Sarah Kiden: Happy holidays to everyone!
01:52:00 Goran Marby: Happy Holidays!!!!
01:52:03 Justine Chew: @Leon, thank you for always turning up everywhere.
01:52:06 Joanna Kulesza: Wonderful! Thanks Leon and all!
01:52:07 Jonathan Zuck: Happy Holidays!
01:52:07 Siranush Vardanyan - ICANN Org: Happy holidays to all of you
01:52:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: for those who travel Travel Safe!
01:52:16 Frank Anati: Hp
01:52:18 Marita Moll: Thanks Leon. We wish the same for you and your family
01:52:22 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks everyone for the hard work and happy holidays
01:52:23 Hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - Happy Holidays and best wishes
01:52:28 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: félicitations Léon
01:52:29 Alberto soto: Thanks, bye bye!! Felices Fiestas!! Happy holidays!!
01:52:32 Frank Anati: Happy holidays everyone
01:52:33 Matthias M. Hudobnik: indeed, happy holidays!
01:52:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: were gone
01:52:48 iPad (27)Vanda Scartezini: Thanks Leon and Goran ! Happy thanksgiving
01:52:54 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you everyone and Happy Holidays.
01:53:09 Raymond Mamattah: Thank you Leon and Goran
01:53:17 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thank you all!
01:53:17 Evin Erdogdu - ICANN org: Thank you all, and happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! 
01:53:27 Siranush Vardanyan - ICANN Org: Stay safe and healthy
01:53:30 Heidi Ullrich: Happy holidays!
01:53:41 Matthias M. Hudobnik: thanks all and take care!
01:53:44 John More: Excellent meeting
01:53:46 Hadia Elminiawi: Stay well
01:53:47 Marita Moll: Happy holidays all
01:53:53 Roberto Gaetano: bye
01:53:54 SAMUEL KWASI DANSO: bye bye
01:53:54 Matthias M. Hudobnik: bye!
01:53:57 Raymond Mamattah: Byeee
01:54:04 Frank Anati: Bye every

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