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1. Review of the Summary Minutes 21 April 2009 A Peake precised that he had never refused to volunteer for drafting a statement but the task he had been entrusted with was to prepare a summary of changes from earlier reports and highlight issues for possible comments

2. Review of the Action Items of 21 April 2009 A Peake drafted a comment about the FY10 draft proposal and sent it to the ALAC. It asked the ICANN

3. Board to take into consideration the ALAC WG review recommendations. LACRALO endorsed the statement made by EURALO.

4. Open Public Comment Periods (All open public comments Single, Two and Select Three Character Names in Dot-pro (ends 5 June 09) Revised Conflicts of Interest Policy (ends 5 June 09) Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure (ends 28 May 09) IRT Draft Report (ends 20 May 09) New IDN gTLD Constituency Petition and Charter(ends 20 May 09) Participants agreed that this point will be further discussed via the EURALO discussion list, given that there are many other items on the agenda and given the time constraints.

5. "Pre-call" with EURALO officers 30 minutes prior to the start of the regular teleconference? It was agreed that these pre-sessions will be set up on a case by case basis upon decision by the Chair and the secretariat during the setting of the monthly meeting agenda’s and would serve to discuss the documents resulting from previous calls action items such as mapping or latest EURALO tools.

6. Developing a EURALO Mechanism for identifying and reaching out to potential ALSes (see: 2009-2011 Strategy) Wolf will add to the working tools, the contacts of some people he has known when attending the IGF meeting: many come from the Eastern countries. He has agreed with his colleague from the diplo course that he will give a short presentation later on for other outreach activities. The past ICANN fellowship participants could be interested to fill in ALS applications and should be approached by EURALO as a priority. They are already familiar with the ICANN structure and activities. Some form of outreach should be specifically developed for consumer organizations too. A Muelbergh asked H Ullrich for some examples of consumer organizations involved in ICANN work as she knows a few German consumer organizations that might be interested in joining EURALO. At-Large and GNSO staffs are examining outreach to consumer groups both within the At-Large and the GNSO. B Brendler and Holly Reich have put forward a consumer constituency charter and are also doing outreach to other consumer organizations. H Ullrich and Wolf will further examine that issue in Bern. H Ullrich will tell EURALO whether there are plans for the NCUC consumer groups to work together with At-Large on outreach to consumer groups. At-Large, however, should avoid giving the false impression of being at competition with the GNSO with respect to outreach to consumer groups

7. Drafting of EURALO Brochure EURALO-flyer-HU-WL.doc There was some discussion about the draft that Wolf had sent to the workspace. While he had intended it as basic information for people without pre-knowledge about ICANN, his draft could create false expectations regarding the issues dealt with at EURALO as people might expect the discussions to center on privacy issues. A Peake suggested that the flyer start by ‘‘Icann is an organization that helps the domain name system work and Euralo is where individuals can help shape policies for this organization’ and list the main activities such as consumer interest about domain names, internationalized domain names and transition from ipv4 to ipv6. D Greeve praised the draft for its openness and clarity. Euralo members are invited to add their suggestions directly on the wiki. Adam will send his suggestion regarding the first paragraph to the list.

8. Mapping of EURALO ALSes The map shows that there are still many areas in Europe without any ALS. ALAC is currently planning a one page document that each ALSes will have to complete with their basic information regarding their activities and social network tools.

9. Feedback from WSIS/IGF W Ludwig has attended a meeting on cyber security organized by the IDU and was disappointed to see that it completely ignored the relevant activities pursued by the Council of Europe with the Cyber Crime convention and talked only about child protection. Adam attended the IGF consultation in Geneva: the multi-stakeholder advisory group has accomplished most of its preparation for the next IGF event. The gross majority of the stakeholder groups present at the IGF expressed their consent for a prolongation of IGF mandate but many of those who did not speak up are concerned about the lack of IGF involvement in terms of development and capacity building for the developing countries. Three hours of general information in a plenary hall might not be the solution. The IGF, nevertheless, is very open to workshop proposals, which is not so common among international conferences of that kind. Wolf will post two links after the phone call: Heike report on IGF consultation and an ongoing discussion on the internet governance.

10. Feedback from EURALO ALSes on recent and upcoming activities Nothing specific to report

11. Regional Advice for AUI and E-senior - final results EURALO agreed to recommend these two ALSes for certification to ALAC

12. Follow-up on the Summit Declaration / Reaction from the ICANN Board Wolf thinks ALAC must formally ask the ICANN Board to respond to the recommendations of the Summit Declaration that were handed to them. He proposed to write a draft letter in that respect for A Peake to submit to ALAC.

13. Sydney Meeting. Sydney Meeting Schedulenbsp and At-Large Meetings Schedule This issue will be further discussed online. Members should write their suggestions directly on the Wiki pages below referenced: ALAC Meetings - suggestions for issues to be discussed Secretariat Meeting - suggestions for issues to be discussed

14. Recent Activities of ALAC(Adam) Recent activities of ALAC involve five different votes. Key issues related to the icann summet, statement on the IRT report, ALAC response to FY10 budget and operating plan, participation and transparency and DNS security. No much drafting going on at the moment. The newly released FY10 draft budget and its annex have references to At-Large and activities planned in the EURALO statement. Heidi will forward the link of the newly released FY10 draft budget to the Euralo list.

15. Adobe Connect Chatroom- Aims and objectives of use and training briefings (see:Adobe Connect Resource Page) Wolf recommended EURALO to adopt it as a tool. Heidi encouraged the members to use the training modules on the resource pages and proposed to arrange for an IT staff member to answer further questions during a future introductory session. Currently, there is no EURALO adobe.connect room.

16. Developments in other RALOs APRALO - Mapping of APRALO ALSes AFRALO - Survey of ALSes and Capacity Building Working Group Heidi suggested consulting the two AFRALO documents. They contain useful ideas for the Sydney secretariats meeting. She will send the links to the EURALO list regarding AFRALO capacity building and ALS self-assessment

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