
Members:  Peter Koch, Ed Borgquist, Abdalmonem Galila, Page Howe, Suzanne Woolf, Jaap Akkerhuis, Alireza Saleh, Patrik Fältström, Mireille HOUNDJI BOTE, Alejandra Reynoso (ccNSO Council), Jon Roig

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Ram Mohan


  1. Welcome and Roll Call
  2. Introduction new participants
  3. Introduction Terms of Reference of Study Group (Included)
  4. Chair(s) Nomination
  5. Rules of Engagement
  6. What to address first? Work plan, end product (example: Final Report Ad-hoc Wild card Study Group,
  7. AOB
  8. Next meeting(s)


Recordings: AC Room

Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hi Peter, welcome!
Peter Koch:Hi!
Peter Koch:just so I pass the attention test: maybe we can adjust the slide and notes headline: "use of Emoji as _SLD_"
Kimberly Carlson:thanks Peter - just wrapped up another call. You've got my full attention now too ;)
Peter Koch:i'm scared ;-)
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all, we'll get started in about 5 minutes
page howe:hello Peter and Kimberly, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the group.
Bart Boswinkel:Hi all
page howe:a little 2 minute treat since yesterday was world emoji day.
page howe:
Kimberly Carlson:Documents, as well as recordings can be found on the wiki:
page howe:re:barcelona extend, yes nice to not feel a too soon deadline..
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Hello everyone :)
page howe:yes wonderful. going great.
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Can we please change the hour for the calls? So I can be on time?
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you Bart!
page howe:might even help to start call at .15 minutes after the hour for those coming off a meeting ending at the hour.
Kimberly Carlson:PDP RoE can be found here:
jon roig:Hello... just jones.
jon roig:joined.
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Jon - I will post the AC recording to the AC room shortly after the call
jon roig:thx!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you Kim!
Kimberly Carlson:certainly
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:I can send that message to the Council, no problem. Do we have a more "realistic" deadline?
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Sure, no problem
jon is emoji friendly...
jon roig:they'd be interested
jon roig:contact is george bundy:
Kimberly Carlson:Saturday, Block 3 20 October
Peter Koch:tnx, Bart
jon roig:hope everyone had a great world emoji day yesterday!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]::D !!
alireza:nothing adobe doesnt support emoji :)
jon roig::)
jon roig:sounds good to me
page howe:but is it still possible to use the email to perhaps make a list of survey particiapnts, etc
page howe:great
jon roig:hahaha... thx!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you! :)
jaap akkerhuis:by all
Kimberly Carlson:thank you all! bye
Abdalmonem Galila:bye
page howe:good bye and thank you.
Peter Koch:bye, thanks
alireza:thank you bye

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