DATE:  Monday, 07 March 2022

TIME: 16:30 AST

ROOM: Zoom 3 (GAC)

Agenda (Confirmed)

  1. Operational Design Phase
    • SSAD
    • SubPro
  2. DNS Abuse
  3. EPDP IGOs
  4. AOB
    • Accuracy

Operational Design Phase - SSAD

  • The GAC wishes to discuss ODA findings with the GNSO Council. 
  • The GAC is interested to hear the GNSO Council’s views on the ICANN Board’s concerns expressed in relevant ODA findings. 
  • What does the GNSO see as its role to revise the SSAD recommendations should the Board reject them ? Would a PDP have to be reconvened ? Or can recommendations be amended by a Small Group

Operational Design Phase: Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs

  • The GAC continues to follow with interest all developments in the Operational Design Phase (ODP) of Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs.
  • The GAC would welcome the GNSO Council’s view of how the Operational Design Phase (ODP) may capture the “objective and independent analysis of costs and benefits [...], drawing on experience with and outcomes from the” 2012 round of new gTLDs as called for in the GAC Helsinki Communiqué [] (30 June 2016) and reiterated in theGAC Kobe Communiqué [] (14 March 2019). 
  • Such objective and independent analysis would allow the GAC to offer further advice ahead of a launch of a new round of gTLDs. In this regard, and as noted in the GAC ICANN 70 Communiqué []such analysis has yet to take place. In this regard, the GAC notes that the Operational Design Phase may provide the opportunity for this analysis to assist the Board as it considers whether a second round of New gTLDs is in the interest of the community as a whole.”
  • How does the GNSO Council see the Global Public Interest intersecting with the work of the SubPro ODP?
  • The GAC remains available for any input to the Operational Design Phase - as appropriate - and wishes to reiterate its focus on this priority item. 

DNS Abuse:

  • The GAC continues to have a great interest in DNS Abuse and would welcome an update from the GNSO small group on DNS Abuse.
  • GAC would be interested to know at which stage input from other parts of the community be considered.
  • What are the GNSO Council Expectations for the Small Team on DNS Abuse in terms of concrete output ? 

EPDP IGO Curative Protections

  • This is a longstanding issue of importance for the GAC;
  • IGOs are recognized as legally unique (and do important public work), and that it goes to confidence in the DNS;  
  • The GAC understands the processes have to run its course and looks forward to a positive resolution of the current EPDP.

Accuracy of Registration 

  • AOB Item

  • No labels
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