
  1. Strategic planning 2013-2014 and next steps
  2. Contribution of NPOC to the I-Inform Alliance
  3. I-Inform alliance progress report
  4.  Membership-related matters (update)  
  5. Charters reviews and amendments process
  6.  The Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) 
  7. NPOC in the NCSG-EC
  8. Publications of NPOC promotional materials
  9. Financial report and fundraising strategy
  10. NPOC participation to IGF (report)
  11. 1st DNS Forum in LAC pre-icann event (report)
  12. NOMCOM (update)
  13. NPOC website (update) 
  14. Participation of NPOC to ICANN regional plans (LAC, Africa and Europe)
  15.  Upcoming events:  Singapore and London ICANN meetings.
  16. Monthly membership call rescheduled (duration and date)
  17. AOB
  18. END
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