SSAC Comment on Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs Report (R-9)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Comment on Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs Report (R-9)SAC060




ICANN must ensure that Emergency Back-End Registry Operator (EBERO) providers support variant TLDs, and that parity exists for variant support in all relevant systems and functions associated with new TLD components.


Further implementation of this item is deferred as of 25 June 2019 pending external activity. ICANN org will take up further action once the GNSO and ccNSO consider this item as part of the policy development work.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


Phase 4Dependencies

This item remains deferred pending further consideration by the ccNSO and GNSO in the context of their IDN related PDPs.


Phase 4AP FeedbackSSAC notes that while this item is deferred, there has been major progress with respect to IDNs including IDN guidelines 4.0 and ICANN org's work in script tables. Does any of this recent work impact the implementation status of recommendation 9?


Phase 4AP FeedbackSSAC acknowledged the 2019 Q2 implementation updated and did not have any comments or feedback for ICANN org.


Phase 4Phase UpdateA detailed analysis has been published as part of recommendations for managing IDN variant TLDs, which has been approved by ICANN Board at ICANN64. The analysis has been forwarded to the GNSO and ccNSO for their consideration for relevant policy and procedure development. The analysis is available at Specifically see section 3 of the report at


Phase 4Phase ChangeNow in Phase 4: Deferred


Phase 4DependenciesFurther implementation of this item is deferred as of 25 June 2019 pending external activity. ICANN org will take up further action once the GNSO and ccNSO consider this item as part of the policy development work.


Phase 4Phase UpdateWith regard to EBERO and variant TLDs, the discussion is included in the ongoing work on developing recommendations for the implementation of IDN Variant TLDs under the guidance of the Board IDN Working Group. All EBERO providers support variant TLDs; there is parity for variant support in all relevant systems and functions. Please see the following links for more information on both IDN Variants and EBERO, including the EBERO Agreement, which stipulates requirements regarding IDN variants: EBERO Resources: Resource page: IDN Resources:


Phase 4Phase UpdateImplementation of this specific advice item is underway and part of Project 7. Additionally, a public comment was opened on Guidelines for the Implementation of Internationalized Domain Names 4.0 on 3 March 2017. The public comment period closed on 2 May 2017, and an ICANN organization report is expected on 9 August 2017 ( All EBERO providers support variant TLDs; there is parity for variant support in all relevant systems and functions. Please see the following links for more information on both IDN Variants and EBERO, including the EBERO Agreement, which stipulates requirements regarding IDN variants: EBERO Resources: Resource page: IDN Resources:


Phase 4Board UpdateBoard consideration is complete and implementation of advice item is ongoing. Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC Chair ( Implementation of this specific advice item is underway and part of Project 7. All EBERO providers support variant TLDs; there is parity for variant support in all relevant systems and functions. Please see the following links for more information on both IDN Variants and EBERO, including the EBERO Agreement, which stipulates requirements regarding IDN variants: EBERO Resources ( IDN Variant Resources: IDN Implementation Guidelines ( IDN Variant Program information (


Phase 4Phase ChangeNow in Phase 4: Implement


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC060: SSAC Comment on Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs Report: