Yesim Nazlar: (1/9/2019 17:14) Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Builing Working Group Call taking place on Wednesday, 09 January 2019 at 15:00 UTC
  Yesim Nazlar: (17:14) Agenda:
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (17:17) Hi Yesim
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (17:18) iit seems I'm too early
  Yesim Nazlar: (17:29) Hi Ejikeme - we'll be starting at 15:00 UTC
  1638: (17:30) hi
  Yesim Nazlar: (17:31) @1638: Hello - may I please learn your name for attendance purposes?
  Jasper Mangwana: (17:35) Hi Guys 
  Jasper Mangwana: (17:41) what time is the meeting starting
  Jasper Mangwana: (17:43) just need to follow
  Yesim Nazlar: (17:44) We'll be starting in 15mins 
  Joanna Kulesza: (17:52) Hi everyone!:)
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:52) Hi Joanna
  Priyatosh Jana: (17:56) hi everyone
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (17:58) hi everyone 
  Vanda Scartezini: (17:58) hi everyone, great year to all!!
  Maritza Aguero: (17:58) Hi everyone!
  Jahangir Hossain: (17:59) Hello everyone ...
  Alberto Soto: (17:59) Hello everyone, hola a todos, from Buenos Aires!!
  Vanda Scartezini: (17:59) jasper
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:00) Hi to all!  Happy New Year. / Saludos a todos! Feliz Año Nuevo.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:00) Same to You ALfredo
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:00) abrazos Alfredo
  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (18:01) Hello all 
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:01) Gracias para todos. Son reciprocados!
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:01) wish you all a very happy new year
  Isaac Maposa: (18:02) Hi everyone.  Compliments of the new year. 
  Fatimata: (18:03) Hello everyone
  Fatimata: (18:03) Happy New Year 2019
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:03) @Joanna, I made some comments on your Draft for Capacity Building Strategy.
  Maritza Aguero: (18:03) @joanna: I also made some comments on your draft!
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:05) Looking at the 'Evaluation Tools document' I would suggest adding a Survey question on 'How did the participate heard/learned about the Webinar/Capacity Building event?
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:06) This will allow various WGs to correlate the source most effective to do 'outreach & engagement'.
  Heidi Ullrich: (18:07) Welcome, All! 
  1638 2: (18:08) Hello everyone! Natalia Filina (as 1638) is here-)
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:09) Hi Natalia
  1638 2: (18:09) Dear Maureen, hi!!! 
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:10) Hi Natalia 
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:10) hi Natalia
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:10) Is ithe 1638 due to GDPR issues 
  1638 2: (18:11) Dear Priyatosh, Daniel, hi!!! 
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:11) Someone has an open mic!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:11) OKease MUTE unless you are speaking
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:11) i am muted, not me
  Ali AlMeshal: (18:12) Hello , sorry for being late 
  Maritza Aguero: (18:13) In this slide about the participation: can we know how many LACRALO members have participated?
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:14) How many participants were there in the webinars?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:14) An important questio Daniel along with how many of us are the expereinced oldies so not really the Key target
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (18:15) Hi all, sorry for being late
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:15) Because you het so few APAC people attending that are not Maureen I suspect ;=)
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:17) I was going to say that 13:00UTC is 3am for me.. but I do make an effort to attend. Its not good time for APRALO
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:20) Rotation helps
  Fatimata: (18:20) Have we tried to repeat the same webinar at different times to accomodate different time zones?
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:20) as always we shall consider rotation to give equal effort and opportunity to all regions 
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:21) hi Nadira
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:21) @Fatimata, the issue with repeating the Webinar is the availibility of the resource/speaker/s.
  Fatimata: (18:22) Thanks Alfredo
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:22) Not all topics may need duplication  however
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:23) Yes the Survey sent seperate makes great sense
  Joel Okomoli: (18:23) Hello everyone... apologies I had network connectivity challenges
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:23) + 1 Cheryl. Some topics are regional and we can rely on recordings.
  Fatimata: (18:23) I agree Cheryl.  Depending on the attendance of the different regions, we may consider duplicating the session
  Nadira Alaraj: (18:24) Good to see you here Priyatosh 
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (18:24) The line was really bad and i couldn't understand at all what Abdulkarim said
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:24) Duplication is not a bad idea but the most important thing is to look at the metrics and breakdown, if we make deep analysis then the same challenges affect other meetings 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:25) Noting that at 1300 UTC there is Usually other WG calls on within their roatation most weeks 4/5  out of my 7 nights
  Beran Gillen: (18:26) hello all 
  Beran Gillen: (18:26) sorry for the late dial in 
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:26) I consider the stats can be a bit misleading - saying 80% or 100% - how many persons actually attended these calls, how many persons weren't "regulars" 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:26) Very faint
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:26) Yes Dev that is the point Daniel made earlier as well
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:26) i am hearing you fatimata
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:27) so sure 100% attending a call will say yes, this time is good for them 
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (18:27) ok on my side for Fatimata
  Fatimata: (18:27) Ok let me type it
  Fatimata: (18:27) I am in the US
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:27) I still why we cant know the number of attendees - % correlations does not provide deep analysis of situations 
  Fatimata: (18:27) I am asking the number of attendees
  Fatimata: (18:28) do we have it?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:28) On another issue, whoever 1638 is, they can change their name - see
  Joel Okomoli: (18:28) 40
  Fatimata: (18:29) call me on +12024593495
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:29) Tijani shouldn't you give the *reason* this strategy draft is being developed
  Fatimata: (18:29) I am in the US right now
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:29) can we have the GDoc link here as well
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:30) Gdoc :
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (18:30) Saludos a todos gracias Joanna por el borrador, creo es una muy oportuna iniciativa. / Greetings to all thanks Joanna for the draft, I think it is a very timely initiative.
  Joel Okomoli: (18:32) Language should not separate our community .. let us invest in translators
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:35) may be to keep recorded meeting we have in each country and make it available too may be interesting regionally.
  Heidi Ullrich: (18:37) Some suggestions: 1) once approved, the strategy should be implemented by all regions to be consistent (with cultural and regional adjustments)
  Heidi Ullrich: (18:38) Re the hot topics, perhaps at Kobe, the Regional Leaders could review all the regional hot policy topics and select those which are universal for At-Large. 
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:39) good idea heidi
  Maritza Aguero: (18:40) Should the RALOS adjust their webinars to the At-large hot topics? 
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:41) Great idea Heidi.. Establishing a common set of topics for the At-Large Capacity Buidling WG to focus on - to develop appropriate resource material which could be used to disseminate more information to enhance understanding of each of the issues
  Maritza Aguero: (18:42) Indeed, is a great idea! RALO leaders should be involved too. That was the sense of my question before: Should the RALOS adjust their webinars to the At-large hot topics? 
  Ali AlMeshal: (18:42) @Heidi that will be good approach 
  Maritza Aguero: (18:43) Right now I don´t know if that is happening.. but it has total sense!
  Joanna Kulesza: (18:46) Thank you @Dec. @Cheryl, apologies, I  also sent it onto the mailing list this morning. 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:46) Daniel is correct that he is saying the strategy must be beyond the  ICANN Learn and these webinars
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:46) Each person has their own learning curve
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:46) Indeed, Glenn
  Isaac Maposa: (18:47) I think we need a  comprehensive social media strategy for the Capacity Building Webinars for maximum reach.   Working with the Social Media WG  will also help. 
  Joanna Kulesza: (18:48) @Isaac - agreed, plus we might want to have individuals supporting the community on social media as well. I was trying to suggest we might want to make sure our members feel a part of the team. 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:48) she is speaking but  echo
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:48) no
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (18:48) echo
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:48) So that the Knowledge and Policy Devment section could list the various tools and resources that could be helpful eg ICANN Learn, eBooks, Plain English Fact sheets, etc
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:49) Don't forget  interesting  Infographics, Illustrated Graphic novels/comics etc
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:49) more pictures
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:49) Exactly
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:49) Important is Story Telling
  Ali AlMeshal: (18:49) Social media will be great channle to promote our weibners  in addtion to eBooks which i like personal 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:50) Missing the POV   perspective
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:50) @Daniel, you make a great point on what is the purpose of Capacity Building and who is the audience.
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:50) +1 Alfredo
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:50) - go to it and update, all
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:50) Short videos what people got out of the ICANN meeting.  Short  reports shared with their community.  MORE  efforts outside of ICANN
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (18:50) Webinar is just one channel - what is the benchmark of the other channels of Capacity Building 
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:51) +1 Alfredo
  Joel Okomoli: (18:51) +1 Daniel - Regional sessions which could be physical
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:51) The  25 under 25 campaign by ISOC  last year had successful storytelling of these  role models
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:52) @Dev.. on the organigram which should be entitled Resources, then clicking onto the box will take them to the list of resources available in your link
  Maureen Hilyard: (18:52) I meant that Webinars should be changed to Resourcse
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:53) @Joanna has done a great job with this document to focus our apporach / strategies. It would be great to also include in the description of future Webinars   the type of participant expected. This might take care in part what Fatimata mentions.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:53) +1 @Cheryl the hot topics are quite likely to be different from region to region
  Alfredo Calderon: (18:54) I was under the impression that a matrix would be designed for what @Cheryl is mentioning regarding 'Hot Topics'.
  Joanna Kulesza: (18:55) @Cheryl - is it the Bylaws we should be reffering to?
  Nadira Alaraj: (18:55) +1 to keep topics aligned with ICANN mission
  Alberto Soto 2: (18:55) +1 cheryl and Olivier
  Joanna Kulesza: (18:55) thank you @Cheryl - duly noted!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:58) @Joanna *many* worthy topics even in IG are important to our ALSes and Members but they may not be "within our remit"if outside ICANNs Mission... SO some stuff needs to be pursued in other ways not in our çore work'per se,
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (18:59) and of course from our Budget ;-)
  Nadira Alaraj: (18:59) +1 for putting a level for eacj webinar beginners advanced....
  Joanna Kulesza: (18:59) thank you @Tijani 
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:00) @Harold, thus we need to classify the level of knowledge to participate. Short video clips for newcomers or Begginers; and engaged already in ICANN.
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (19:00) I would like to also ask that there should be a startegy for intoducing members to or helping mneber to understand  and paticipate in the ICANN;s policy developmnet process. 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:00) O and E and Capacity Building are not two different things   They dove tail together.   Capacity Building is a ways and means to help be effective in O and E
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:01) Cap Bld is a Sub Set of Oand E
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:01) We clearly have two perspectives here  on the Role of Capacity building 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:01) and that should be reflected going forward in 2019 and onward in our structure redo under the oranogram
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:02) organogram
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:02) +1 Glenn and CLO - Cap Building is a subset of O&E 
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:03) i agree with Tijani about the difference between Capacity Buiding and O&E
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:04) <QUESTION>Soo, @Tijani, Capacity Building should be address to what audience?<QUESTION> <Comment> Outreach & Engament should work on Face-to-Face and Newcomers<Comment>
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (19:04) I would like to also ask that there should be a strategy for introducing new members to or helping member to understand and participate in the ICANN’s policy development process. This is quite important and a lot of us do not really understand how this done especially for new members. This should also include things like the duty and responsivities of pen holders on reports.  I think the capacity building working group can help on this
  Joanna Kulesza: (19:04) :)
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:05) @Abdul Karim there is an Onboarding program for New Comers 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:05) +1 Alfredo
  Katambi Joan: (19:05) I agree with Abulkarim
  jasper mangwana: (19:05) @abdulkarim very true ,there is need for steps and member development program
  Katambi Joan: (19:07) indeed it's true some of us are so new to the system be
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:07) @Abdul Karim look at this link
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:08) COMMENT: This document presents an opportunity to define the fields of action, in any case the vital thing is to highlight the Capacity Generation, here it will be very important to take into account the diversity of the regions at the time of selecting the topics, surely we will find much in common, which will be a good consensus exercise.
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:09) <Comment>Outreach > seek newcomers; Engagement > Capacity Building to enhance skills required to develop leadership within ICANN<Cooment>
  Joel Okomoli: (19:09) +1 Alfredo
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:10) QUESTION: When the process closes for contributions to the draft strategy. Thank you
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:10) @All, there is a clear link between engagement and capacity building. Capacity building will help both newcomers and potential leaders increasae their engagement. 
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (19:10) thanks Daniel 
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:11) @All, please keep in mind the need to incorporarte the At-Large Review Implementation Plan activities and the plans for ATLAS III in any capacity development.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:11) I  like to do a shout out on Prof Alfredo Calderon.  He is responsible for our   NASIG 2019 programme and he is a professor in Puerto Rico and he understands the importance of learning and has been a Fellow and Coach.  He has a unique perspective on the role and function of Capacity Building 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:12) I like to nominate  Alfredo Calderon for the WG Chair 
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:12) +1 @alfredo
  Jahangir Hossain: (19:12) 1+ Heidi Ullrich 
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:12) in contrast to what CLO said, i think that O&E should be a subset of Capacity Building not vice versa. Capacity Building can deal with with new commers as well as existing members who do not need any outreach
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:12) hard to hear
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:12) We can hear him faintly
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (19:13) Jasper is speaking but rather faint
  Isaac Maposa: (19:13) Capacity Buildingaims at building the skills and knowledge for more engagement for both newcomers and Old participants 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:13)  but we can here him
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (19:13) maybe Jasper can speak louder?
  Harold Arcos: (19:13) Indeed @Heidi, I think the impact of Capacity Building on the ability to Create Informed Participation is direct.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:13) disagree Dave - it should be the other way around 
  Vanda Scartezini: (19:13) me too hear jasper but fainting.. 
  Joel Okomoli: (19:13) I have lost you
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:15) @Harold, fully agree. 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:16) All the other wg are tools for O and E
  jasper mangwana: (19:16) network problem back online
  Joel Okomoli: (19:16) ok better now 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:16) Perfectly clear @Maureen
  Fatimata: (19:17) LAst comment before leaving this call: appropriate (available and easy to use, locally used language) CB tools for each region including social media with very short messages and videos will help members better understand ICANN activities and engage
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:17) ok now it is clear to me .. thanks Maureen
  Fatimata: (19:17) Good bye all
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:17) Webinars should be just A tool in a kit of tools  YES!!!
  Jahangir Hossain: (19:17) Fully aggre with Maureen 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:17) Bye fatimatta
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:17) i nominate  Alfredo
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:18) Support Alfredo
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:18) I nominate Joanna.
  Fatimata: (19:18) I have to get ready to run to the airport
  Joel Okomoli: (19:18) Yes there are two 
  Alberto Soto 2: (19:18) I support Joanna
  Fatimata: (19:18) Bye
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:18) Esa dupla sería formidable además es cohexistente con la igualdad de género 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:18) Alfredo you interested?
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:18) How about both: Joanna and myself.
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:19) Co-Chairs 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:19) i like that idea  Alfredo
  Maureen Hilyard: (19:19) I like that idea too
  Joanna Kulesza: (19:19) +1
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:19) That duo would be formidable and is also consistent with gender equality
  Fatimata: (19:19) YES to Joanna and Alfredo
  Fatimata: (19:19) Bye now
  jasper mangwana: (19:19) me too alfredo
  Ali AlMeshal: (19:19) +1
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:19) i support both Alfredo and Joanna as co-chairs
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:19) I think someone from O and E should be included in the team as well
  Alberto Soto 2: (19:19) good idea Alfredo!!
  Joel Okomoli: (19:19) I support co-chair approach too 
  Maureen Hilyard: (19:19) @Alexis I agree
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:19) hurray
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:19) Excellent Outcome 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:20) Thank you Tijani
  Maureen Hilyard: (19:20) Thank you Alfredo and Joanna.. And thank you to Tijani for his work in the past.. 
  Joel Okomoli: (19:20) Thanks everyone...
  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (19:20) I agree A and J
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:20) +1 Tijani and thanks a lot 
  Alberto Soto 2: (19:20) Thanks, by from Buenos Aires at 32 C!!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:20) Noting we will change from a WG to a new structure under Oand E
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:20) Thank you all for the vote of confidence. @Joanna lets speak through Skype to beggin work.
  Ali AlMeshal: (19:20) Tijani you have done great job which it will be take further with the team
  Vanda Scartezini: (19:20) thank you so much Tijani you have done a great great job all these years!!
  Natalia Filina: (19:20) Thank you very much to all!
  Beran Gillen: (19:20) thank you 
  Joanna Kulesza: (19:20) @Tjani, I very much look forward to learning from you as we move on. Alfredo - thank you for agreeing to work with me. 
  Isaac Maposa: (19:20) Thanks everyone.  Bye 
  Joanna Kulesza: (19:20) Thank you all. 
  Ali AlMeshal: (19:20) bye all
  Dave Kissoondoyal: (19:20) thanks and bye to all
  Maureen Hilyard: (19:20) thanks everyone for your contributions
  Tracy Hackshaw: (19:20) bye  all
  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:20) Thank you bye 
  Nadira Alaraj: (19:20) Thank you Tijani fir all yiur effirts in this program 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:20) Bye for nw!
  Harold Arcos: (19:20) thanks all
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (19:20) Congratulations Tijani and congratulations to the new appointees Alfredo and Joanna
  jasper mangwana: (19:20) Thank you bye
  Beran Gillen: (19:20) bye all
  Alfredo Calderon: (19:20) Thank You Tijani for all your work.
  Heidi Ullrich: (19:20) Congratulations to Joanna and Alfredo! Many thanks to Tijani for his leadership!
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:21) Joanna and Alfredo, count on our support and success in this challenge
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:21) Thanks 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3): (19:21) Rememeber to go comment in the GDoc!
  Alexis Anteliz / VE: (19:21) Bye bye

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