Terri Agnew: Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 13:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/DhUnAw

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Olivier, as Chair of this group/meeting, may I suggest you send a message to our dear Tijani, expressing our deep sorrow after the events in Tunis, and assuring him of our solidarity? Thanks.

  Yasuichi Kitamura:I support the Jean-Jacques's proposal.

  Gordon Chillcott:I, too, support Jean-Jacque's proposal

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@JJS - I already have yeaterday - and of cource in private today when he sent his apologies

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thank you for mentioning it, Jean-Jacques

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:(could the person typing please mute his/her mic.? Thanks)

  Eduardo Diaz:I will be in the adobe only with no audio.

  Eduardo Diaz:I will post my comments here if necesarry

  Terri Agnew:@Eduardo, thank you for the update

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier about message to Tijani: thank you. I was thinking also on behalf of this group.

  Eduardo Diaz:I mean in the adobe with no access to a microphone

  Glenn McKnight:@ Ed  can we speak sometime about the NARALO  newsletter

  Terri Agnew:Action Items from the meeting of 12 March 2015: https://community.icann.org/x/nxAnAw

  Terri Agnew:IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group Issues Proposal Assembly and Finalization Process and Updated Transition Process Timeline: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-01-07-en

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:For item 3 on today's agenda, here's a useful link: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/vol-2-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Olivier, do you not want a brief report on ICG's work? (Item 3 on the agenda).

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Carlton Samuels

  Carlton Samuels:Morning all

  Terri Agnew:IANA CWG Meeting #30 (19 March): https://community.icann.org/x/KRMnAw

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier,  Terri: yes that's a good idea.

  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone, sorry for being late

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Fatima Cambronero

  Terri Agnew:Design Teams: https://community.icann.org/x/pAknAw

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Terri

  Terri Agnew:Design Teams List: https://community.icann.org/x/qgwnAw

  Carlton Samuels:@Design Team: Just out of curiosity, what mechanism[s] are in place to keep these teams inside the fence?

  Carlton Samuels:And who or what is responsible for the interface management?

  Terri Agnew:Design Teams: Sign Up Meeting Slots: https://community.icann.org/x/pwknAw

  Glenn McKnight:Looks  like the delivery dates  is  20 March 2015

  Glenn McKnight:Tomorrow

  Eduardo Diaz:@glenn: that is correct

  Glenn McKnight:How do you join these groups  I  know Alan well and would be interested in TEAM  A

  Eduardo Diaz:The important design teams are the category level 1. Like the chair of the CWG said, the others migth get into a future proposal.

  Avri Doria:Apologies for the N discussion, i tried to move it beyond that same discussion.

  Eduardo Diaz:@ Olivier: are ther any part already ready from any of the design teams. Maybe I missed it.

  Carlton Samuels:@OCL: See my question earlier!!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Eduardo - there is progress from some of the DTs

  Avri Doria:The chairs pretty much determine it

  Carlton Samuels:@OCL: Thanks for the answer.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Eduardo: yes

  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Not suggesting we  build fences; they already exist!

  Carlton Samuels:My question is about who's going to ride the fence line!!

  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: undesratnd that some of these groups do not want anyone else except from gnso or ccnso

  Yasuichi Kitamura:Design team activities are based on those RFP groups or the activities were initialized?

  Alan Greenberg:Glenn - Team A or B??

  Glenn McKnight:B

  Glenn McKnight:I have  worked with Alan before

  Terri Agnew:DT-B Assessment of the Level of Consensus within the ccTLD Community in Regard to a Possible Appeal Mechanism for ccTLD Delegations and Redelegations: https://community.icann.org/x/GhEnAw

  Glenn McKnight:He worked at Industry Canada before

  Alan Greenberg:I think knowing a fair amount about ccTLD delegations nand the FoI would be important.

  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: I know that there hs been process in the teams but their output has not been incorporated in the actual proposal - I understand this is the case. Correct me if i am wrong.

  Avri Doria:no body on these teams have time to plot

  Avri Doria:they will at least eliminate the 'is this possible

  Avri Doria: questions

  Leon Sanchez:They will be there

  Leon Sanchez:If not for the CCWG portion of the meeting yes for the CWG

  Terri Agnew:IANA CWG Face to Face Meeting (Meeting #31 & Meeting #32) (26-27 March): https://community.icann.org/x/1QonAw

  Fatima Cambronero:@Olivier, we're not going to have call for this group next week, right?

  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: agree witn you. When are we going to decide between internal/external or hybrid?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@fatima - no call next week since many will be travelling

  Fatima Cambronero:ok, thanks

  Terri Agnew:Proposal: Replace the full name of the WG by : “At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability”

  Leon Sanchez:@Olivier as you pointed in the mailing list, I believe this has to be ratified by the ALAC

  Alan Greenberg:To be clear, perhaps I am missing something and if so, I want to know what that is. but I don't see much of a difference between the interests of registries and users from an IANA DNS perspective.

  Terri Agnew:@Leon, we are dialing back out to you

  Avri Doria:ITIA WG?

  Avri Doria:the acronym is easy

  Leon Sanchez:Thanks Terri. Already back in

  Fatima Cambronero:`+1 @Alan

  Alan Greenberg:Keep the name. Chaine the text describing it.

  Avri Doria:keep the list change the subject to ITIA

  Terri Agnew:CCWG Accountability https://community.icann.org/x/IIMHAw

  Sébastien:ISTIA WG

  Terri Agnew:Seun Ojedeji has joined

  Eduardo Diaz:CAn we have the link to the ccwg agenda wiki

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Colleagues, I'll be leaving this call in a few minutes.

  Fatima Cambronero:I have to go to the office. I will leave the AC but I will continue in the call on the phone. Thanks all. Bye

  Terri Agnew:it is on today's agenda directly

  Terri Agnew:Goodbye Jean-Jacques and Fatima

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Bye All!

  Terri Agnew:CCWG ACCT Face to Face Meeting (23 - 24 March 2015):https://community.icann.org/x/pAonAw

  Eduardo Diaz:@Alan: that sound like capture

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:dropped

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:--- but wait!

  Terri Agnew:Re dialing Olivier

  Eduardo Diaz:I am arriving in Istanbul the 25th and leaving the 29Th

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back ion - thanks

  Loris Taylor:Have a productive and wonderful meeting in Istanbul  I have to jump off the call now.  Thank you for the detailed reports.  Safe travels.

  Terri Agnew:goodbye Loris

  Avri Doria:the non supported travellers might have their own arrangements.

  Alan Greenberg:Avri, don't think there are many of those from At-Large.

  Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone

  Alan Greenberg:Thank all. I need to go.

  Gordon Chillcott:Safe travels, everyone

  Eduardo Diaz:Gracias a todos.. See some of you in Istabul.

  Leon Sanchez:Buen viaje Ed!

  Leon Sanchez:bye

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