Filiz Yilmaz:hi

  Alain Bidron:hi Filiz

  Filiz Yilmaz:I am having trouble with Adigo. FYI... 21612 is not accepted, and when diverted to operator, they cannot hear me

  Filiz Yilmaz:Hi Alain!

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:I am in chat only today unfortunately. Apologies.

  Renate De Wulf:Filiz, would you like a dial out? if so pleas give me a number

  Filiz Yilmaz:Thanks Renate but I dont like calling from mobile device and my land line is no good. I will stick to chat

  Filiz Yilmaz:I tried again and the participation code (21612) is again not accepted. FYI

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):You can just call me Kiran, but that was a very good attempt! 

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette)::)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  Renate De Wulf:Filiz, audio and speaking is also possible through Adobeconnect without the bridge

  Filiz Yilmaz:Ok, I hope that works then. Do I need to mute? If so, I do not know how to mute it from Adobe...

  Renate De Wulf:top left of your screen

  Filiz Yilmaz:That mutes my speakers, so mutes Olivier. I do not want that :)

  Renate De Wulf:ok but as for the moment there is no noise, I think we are all OK

  Filiz Yilmaz:Ok. Thanks

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):The one with the telephone icon.  You connect your audio, it becomes a microphone icon.  You click on that and "mute microphone" and it will show a microphone with a line through it.  Then you are muted.

  Alain Bidron:The new gTLD collision in the afternoon

  Filiz Yilmaz:Thanks Kiran

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:I agree. Competing with new gTLDs is going to be a problem

  Alain Bidron:Agree that the session on collision is to be avoided

  Alain Bidron:Yes ask to move the CCWG in the morning and agree with the rationale from Marilyn

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):Why not Fadi, since he's running the conflicting meeting?

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:I also think we should chat with Sally

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  Filiz Yilmaz:yes, we are...

  Filiz Yilmaz:I think Olivier made a good start outlining Bill's.

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:Might slight concern with Bill

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:'s proposal is that it might take a lot of time from the  community discussion

  Sarah Falvey - RYSG:just a thought

  Filiz Yilmaz:It is a proposal with various angles. We can discuss each point and decide which points we can agree.

  Alain Bidron:A statement from each REPRESENTATIVES means those representatives will have previously full agreement from their constituency or group

  Alain Bidron:is this realistic on monday

  Filiz Yilmaz:Why do we need it per each? Chairs can provide a "joint" statement that the CCWG can agree on.

  Filiz Yilmaz:And any diversion/addition from that can be provided to the floor like al the other participants

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Perhaps we can scatter prepared statements into the format? so you can make your prepared statement from the floor?

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I don't think that the BC liaisons will have a prepared statement, as many BC participants will want to speak. I

  Filiz Yilmaz:Just for clarificaitons if you had further problems hearing me, here is what I support:

  Filiz Yilmaz:CCWG highlights their main messages.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Chairs at the session presents these main messaages.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Anything that needs further clarification/addition from any particular group or an individual, can be uttered by queing up by the mic.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:This is a broad upen forum, which allows all to speak, isn't that what we already agreed?

  Filiz Yilmaz:In short, get out main message, ask for feedback, listen and respond as necessary. But I see no point in repeating ourselves and taking time from the session as speaking time from us.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:If anyone wants to make a short statement, limit it to 2 minutes.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Agree with that /priority to community.

  Alain Bidron:agree with you proposal Olivier and yes the main goal will be to listen from the community

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:how do we do summing up?

  Filiz Yilmaz:That would be the Chair's job. WIll Olivier and Rafit chair the session? I support that.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Rafik, sorry...

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:we could have teams appointed to each question/we would support Rafik and Olivier....

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:if we have the a.m. session, we have 2 hours, not 90 minutes.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I can hear you but I'm dialed in

  Renate De Wulf:audio is back

  Filiz Yilmaz:I see this is not working.

  Alain Bidron:Filiz use the chat

  Renate De Wulf:Yes Olivier

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I had suggested that we have a slightly different approach, which would put Rafik and Olivier at the front, with rest of CCWG, but put roving mikes into audience

  Renate De Wulf:Filiz internet must not be good enough

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Can we work on the questions, and support Feliz's suggestion that the two co chairs are the 'final moderators'.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer::-) rapporteurs can be 'others' I think.

  Filiz Yilmaz:So I suggest Olivier and Rafik be the Chairs or Moderators (whatever we want to call them :).

  Filiz Yilmaz:Btw, i managed to get on Adigo!

  Filiz Yilmaz:We can have a chat room and support the Chairs

  Alain Bidron:Yes

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:but let's assign moderators per topic.

  Filiz Yilmaz:collect feedback as that comes in and coordinate

  Filiz Yilmaz:Yes

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:We need to do work, don't we?

  Filiz Yilmaz:

  Filiz Yilmaz:What are the recommendations from the Community from ICANN Staff, Board and COmmunity Leaders in regards to Brazil Meeting?

  Filiz Yilmaz:I dont think we can ask it as a "whole"

  Filiz Yilmaz:There are varying opinions, we know that

  Filiz Yilmaz:I think we need to focus on "messages"

  Alain Bidron:We need sufficient feed back/support  from the ICANN community for the ones who will be in Brazil feal confortable in defending the contribution

  Filiz Yilmaz:what are the messages from ICANN Community towards the Brazil meeting

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:could we just focus on CCWG doc and the principles we submitted. The 180+ comments are very /I like what Filiz just posted.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:The CCWG document did make a statement /that is bottom up consultation.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I need to drop off the call in a few minutes.  Is this a 90 minute call?  When I was asked to cover, I was under the impression it was 60 minutes. 

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:60minutes -- it just takes a little longer than expected. apologies

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Kiran -- I'll let you speak right after Filiz to get your input

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I do want to note that we do need to separat

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:ately finalize a charter in any case, but that is separate.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I don't need to speak!  :)  Just need to make a 3pm meeting (not too late I hope!)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Do you agree wuth FIliz's suggestions? (& mine?)

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I also think we need to do a little outreach. I am in touch with a lot of governments to encourage them to attend but can't do that until we nail down the time slot, so wait for that from Rafik and Olivier.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I can't take a position on behalf of the IPC on the questions.  We are sort of agnostic at this point. 

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok thx

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I tend to agree though with the suggestions

  Alain Bidron:Agree with Filiz

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:are we saying that Brazil meeting is dictating the ICANN agenda? I am surprised by that.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):No Marilyn.  But it INFLUENCES is

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):obviously

  Filiz Yilmaz:I will put in the chat my suggestioned 3 questions for clarity.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Here:

  Filiz Yilmaz:(1) What are the main messages from ICANN Community members towards NetMundial?(2) What are the addition points for CCWG developed document? Are there missing messages that needs to be elaborated?(3) What are expectations from ICANN Staff/CEO; ICANN Board; ICANN Community Leaders respectively during NetMundial?

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:We said that the community owns developing ICANN's roadmap.

  Filiz Yilmaz:I think that is beyond NetmUndial should be part of Public Forum

  Filiz Yilmaz:Are they still collecting input from Community (SO/ACs) for Public Forum?

  Filiz Yilmaz:We can decide to submit anything extra for that.

  Filiz Yilmaz:I support the idea of sticking to NetMundial

  Filiz Yilmaz:Thinking the time of this meeting, I suspect substantial part of Public Forum should be about NetMundial in fact...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was under the impression that the totality of our meeting with the community would be collecting input about our NetMundial submission

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:We have a document, we also have the IGF, which some are engaged in but perhaps not all, so perhaps not  aware of the broader set of meetings. I am not disagreeing with a focu on NETMundial, but am disagreeign that NetMundial is definitive to ICANN. It is one event.

  Filiz Yilmaz:I agree with Olivier. That is my  understanding too.

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):I'm sorry, I have to drop. Can someone please send around the final version of the questions if we reach a consensus on this?

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I hope my distinction is clear.  I am just saying that we are not acquiexing to NETMuntial, but commenting on it.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Sure Kiran

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks for participating

  Kiran Malancharuvil (for Kristina Rosette):Thanks Olivier!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:We'll end the call shortly

  Filiz Yilmaz:I think people are going to get lost if we start talking about IGF

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:no one is talking about IGF. I mentioned the IGF as one important space, but that was not mentioned in the questions.

  Filiz Yilmaz:or if start talking about what happens to the CCWG after NetMundial.

  Filiz Yilmaz:Ok marilyn then I am not understanding exactly what you are suggesting.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I just said that you and I and Olivier and others like Alain, are engaged in the IGF, but not all are but not that we talk about that in the CCWG, necessarily. However, as a MAG member, you of course are aware of the Intrim Chair's comment into NetNundial.

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I am not sure we have a lot more time, though?

  marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer 2:I am flying out Wed. and I was hoping that we can finalize questions.

  Alain Bidron:unlikely from Europe..

  Alain Bidron:Thank you all

  Filiz Yilmaz:Thank you.

  Alain Bidron:Good night

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