Notes from 14 November Call 


Internal Discussions

  • NomCom (10min)
  • Mobilisation (90min minimum)
  • RALO Coordination (Seb)
  • Outreach and Engagement Tools: how to develop them - Marita


  • 3/4 sessions in the 4 days
  • BC

Must have:

  • Board (Monday)
  • GAC (Tuesday)
  • GNSO (Sunday)
  • ccNSO - TBC
  • SSAC - time TBC

Nice to have (suggestions)

  • Generalised Policy – CPWG style
  • Volunteering at ICANN -- exploring the various models that exist within the ICANN MSM (Marita)
  • Coordination and best practices with BC (Seb)
  • RIR possibly part of RALO Coordination

Prep (either prep week or prior to that)

  • Fellows and NextGen (role of At-Large) – Mouloud


  • more plenaries suggested by Seb

TOPICS of interest to AVOID conflict with:

DNS Abuse
Subsequent procedures
Applicant support
Closed generics
Community Evaluations

Intersessional week (between prep week and ICANN76)


Holistic Review – hopefully will be a general session by that team

RIR Meeting  - bil

  • No labels


  1. If it's possible  to have a session dedicated  to ALses and individual Members during the prep week to highlight their engagement and activities with ICANN76 meeting and their expectation for the ICANN76 meeting and coordinate the RALO session based on the Output of this session.

  2. For the Meeting Sessions I suggest that we agregate ALAC  sessions by day and by  nature of the topic, for example we can have ALAC policy day that will agregate all the policy sessions proposed ALAC including the GNSO and GAC session, we can also have a technical day that will agregate all ALAC technical sessions including SSAC//ALAC∕/RSSAC meeting, another day will be dedicated to the startegic and executive sessions  including the Board and ICANN org meeting and it will be very nice a community ALAC days in which ALAC and Atlarge interact with community during a pelenary session and will include all the activties session etc...... 

    this will give us a balanced schedule and avoid that policy sessions for example dominate the schedule proposed by ALAC.