ICANN Academy Working Group

Friday 05 October 2012 at 1300 UT


Summary Notes and Action Items


2. Update / Where we are. Sandra summarized the status as follows:

The WG was not too comfortable with the proposal worked out by Filiz and Sandra and finally there was a slight majority to postpone the pilot project for Toronto.

The need for a leadership programme insead was obvious, target groups, learning goals and mechanisms where not agreed on.

Are there any questions or comments ?


3. Re-evaluation / confirmation of the scope of this WG

Sandra: We can only talk about 1 project with two components, one long term working on a frame work, one short term implementing a pilot leadership training programme. In my opinion we should not separate the projects from each other, we have to look at them in parallel. Implementing one module into a frame work needs an holistic approach. Working in a modular system then is a good approach. We need a revaluation and confirmation of the scope of the WG

Tijani: I never meant to separate the projects from each other.


Marylin : I am a little concerned, I am trying to understand what are we trying to put forward today, given the Toronto Agenda and that there are a number of meetings, I wonder if this should last 3 hours in Toronto.

The WS which has been scheduled in accountability structured may required the speaking role.


Sandra: The most important goal is to set up the agenda for Toronto. Under the circumstances that this is conflicting with other meetings.


Hong: Private Leadership meeting is one very different from the Academy Proposal. Was there a consensus or was this agreed by ICANN?


Marilyn: Question is how this fit in a larger picture at ICANN?

There is a question, how overall would this fit into an ICANN overall picture?


Stephan Van Gelder:

It is difficult to refer to ICANN, its up to us to determine what we need. It is up to us to determine where we want to go.


Filiz; I agree with Stephan,  I would like to go back to 2011, back then we were working on this. The concept, ALAC produced the idea of having a leadership training as part of the concept. There was a budget request. And this budget request was sent within the FY 2013. This was very concrete.


Chuck: We need a clear understanding of what the target audience is. We are talking about leadership training there are some very experience, potential. It is hard to agree on anything until we know.


Sandra: This is the main point for our Toronto Agenda. We need to agree on the scope of the WG.


OCL: We already talk about this. The Audience that the project should be having is the first point. The second point is funding. This was for upcoming leaders of ICANN. If this is not going to take place in FY 13, then we are already looking at the next FY. That may be completely modified, because we have a complete change in leadership.

Timetable: How we are going to get where we want to go?

It seems to be quite a complex project because it involves all ASO/AC. Understanding that there may be a conflict with the clash. We then have 6 months until Beijing and that may be a problem.


4. Setting the Agenda for Toronto

Sally has been briefed about the project.


Marylin: I will make a time proposal. Is it even feasible to consider Friday morning? or is that out of the question?


Tentative proposal: If some people could be available.


OCL: To remind that we have an ALAC Regional Leadership 8-10. So it could be after this.


AI:  STAFF Doodle: To be sent out to all participants on this call to see if they can meet on Friday informally after 10 am.


Marilyn: What re we trying to accomplish?


Chuck: We are not  going to go very far if we do not know who the target groups are.


OCL : There is a framework in the AC room and this defines.

the target groups.


Sandra: We should concentrate on one target group.


Agenda: We have a possibility to implement something for Beijing?

We should start working on the Budget proposal immediately after Toronto.


Marylin: I have a calendar proposal:2. Material, mechanism and process.

We need supporting mechanisms, well prepared materials.


OCL: We need to concentrate in one thing, one subject. Moving into the next year.



Budget is still the second point in the Agenda.

Role of staff: What role should staff play in the whole system.

How to proceed in a short notice in Beijing.


Yaovi: I agree on the Agenda.

Suggest that you put on the Agenda the role of the current leaders.


Proposed Agenda


1. discussion on target groups / learning goals

2. Timing Beijing or not

3. Role of staff


6. AOB


Glenn: Some time ago I offered the moodle and I will be happy to talk further on this if need be.









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