BC Open Meeting

Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Room: Hall A. Sec B/C | Time: 15:15 – 18:30




1)             Chair Welcome & Introduction       

  1. Andrew Mack, BC Chair  


2)             Policy Report

  1. Steve DelBianco, BC Policy Chair


3)             Report on BC Outreach


4)             Update on Consumer Safeguards and Contractual Compliance

  1. Bryan Schilling


5)            Update on ICANN Finances

  1. Xavier         Calvez, ICANN CFO


6)             GNSO Council Update

  1. Phil Corwin and Susan Kawaguchi, GNSO Council Representatives


7)             CSG Debrief and Intersessional Update

  1. Barbara Wanner, BC Representative to the CSG   


8)             AOB                       


Date/Time: Tuesday, 31 October 2017, 15:15 - 18:30

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