Please find the details below for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP Working Group call scheduled for Wednesday, 17 July 2019 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT, 19:00 Paris CEST, 22:00 Karachi PKT, (Thursday) 02:00 Tokyo JST, (Thursday) 03:00 Melbourne AEST

For other places see: 


Proposed Agenda:

  1. Welcome and Updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Continued - Review and Discussion of TM Claims Sub Team Recommendations (see attached document): Q3 (Preliminary Recommendations and Questions for Community Input), Q4, & Q5, Proposals 1, 5, 6, 11, & 12.
  3. Time Permitting - Review and Discussion of Sunrise Sub Team Recommendations (see attached document): Q1
  4. AOB

As a reminder, per the agreed-upon process for the WG’s consideration of the Sub Teams’ recommendations, the full WG is not expected to be recreating or relitigating the Sub Teams’ work.  Clarifications and fine-tuning are in order, but unless there is very broad support for rejecting a Sub Team recommendation or reviving a proposal that failed to receive wide support the Sub Team decisions stand and will be reflected in the Initial Report.

Please also note that if there are suggestions for minor clarifying edits to the TM Claims or Sunrise Sub Team’s answers to charter questions, recommendations, or questions for community input please send them to the list ASAP but not later than Tuesday, 14 July at 17:00 UTC with the specific text and the suggested edits clearly identified. 


Sunrise Sub Team Recommendations for RPM PDP Working Group Discussion (02 July 2019).pdf

Trademark Claims Sub Team Recommendations for RPM PDP Working Group Discussion (02 July 2019)-1.pdf




Apologies: Justine Chew, Greg Shatan


Notes/ Action Items

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