This Sub Team 2 was formed to perform a preliminary review of all the public comments received relating to the open questions published in Section 1.3.3 of the WG's Initial Report. These questions are concerned with the topic of the eligibility for use of privacy/proxy services by those who register a domain name for activities associated with online financial transactions.



21 July:

Public Comment Review Tool - Section 1.3.3 - 21 July

Public Comment Review Tool - Section 1.3.3 collapsed version - 21 July

30 July:

UPDATED: Public Comment Review Tool - Section 1.3.3 - 30 July (incorporating additional comments not included in the original document)

4 August:

Q1 Summary (#1-39)

Q1 Summary (#41-87)  NOTE: This has been updated; see new document under 12 August, below

Q2 Summary NOTE: This has been updated; see new document under 12 August, below

UPDATED: Public Comment Review Tool - Section 1.3.3 - v3 (incorporating relevant comments by moving them from other Recommendations)

10 August:

Q3 Summary

12 August:

Updated Q1 Summary (#41-90)

Updated Q2 Summary

Additional Comments on Section 1.3.3 for Review NOTE: This table is what was included as Question 4 in the original Public Comment Review Tool for this Sub Team

31 August:

Additional language for Q1 on Respect our Privacy and Save Domain Privacy comments (to be added to a consolidated Q1 summary document combining comments #1-39 and #40-91)

1 September:

UPDATED Consolidated Q1 Summary (specific references to commenters added at request of some Sub Team members, language on Respect our Privacy and Save Domain Privacy comments added, and combining previous documents on comments #1-39 and #40-91) - CIRCULATED TO FULL WG FOR DISCUSSION

UPDATED Q2 Summary (specific references to commenters added at request of some Sub Team members) - CIRCULATED TO FULL WG FOR DISCUSSION


14 August

31 August





Kiran Malachandruvil

David Cake

Terri Stumme

Susan Prosser

Lindsay Hamilton-Reid

Kathy Kleiman

Stephanie Perrin

Christian Dawson


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