What is At-Large?

"At-Large" is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. Currently, more than 100 groups representing the views of individual Internet users are active throughout the world. You can learn more about the community and its activities on this website, as well as how to join and participate in building the future of the worldwide Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers that every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.


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h2. [Older At-Large Announcements|atlarge:Older At-Large Annoucements]


At-Large Staff Announcements

18 February 2011 - ALAC draft comment on the Draft Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies
15 February 2011 - ALAC draft statement on the GNSO WG Guidelines
7 February 2011  - ALAC adopts ALAC Statement on Interim Report of Geographic Regions
7 February 2011 -  ALAC adopts ALAC Statement on ATRT Final Recommendations
2 February 2011 - ALAC approves ALAC Statement on the Situation in Egypt
2 February 2011- At-Large FY12 Budget Proposal Master Document sent to ICANN controller

At-Large Worldwide Calendar

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