Welcome to the RDAP pilot program community wiki space!

This community wiki space is for the ICANN community to collaborate on a voluntary pilot program for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) implementation. RDAP enables users to access current registration data and was created as a replacement for the WHOIS protocol.

The goal of this pilot program is to develop a baseline profile (or profiles) to guide implementation, establish an implementation target date, and develop a plan for the implementation of a production RDAP service. The pilot program starts on 5 September 2017 and concludes on 31 July 2018.

All participants in the pilot program are encouraged to provide feedback by subscribing to the gTLD Tech mailing list. Registries and registrars must also complete the "Join the RDAP pilot" form below. Interested pilot users can view the list of RDAP pilot participants at the link below.

NEWS: Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data that requires RDAP has been published on 17 May 2018 https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/gtld-registration-data-specs-en


    • Mailing list for the RDAP pilot: Click here to join the mailing list for community discussion → https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/gtld-tech.
    • Certificate Authorities, Registries, and Registrars: Click here to complete the form to join the RDAP pilot  → Join the RDAP pilot (This wiki page is available only to those with an ICANN community wiki account. Please email engagement@icann.org if you would like an account on the ICANN community wiki.)
    • Community: Click here to view the list of RDAP pilot participants and their pilot projects → List of RDAP pilot participants
    • FAQs about the RDAP pilot program: Click here to see the Frequently Asked Questions about the RDAP pilot programFAQs
    • Reference documents: Click here to view the list of documents related to the RDAPReference documents
    • To learn more about RDAP visit https://icann.org/rdap

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