Date: Monday, 28 May 2018

Time: 23:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0528/2

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English Conference ID = 1638

Spanish Conference ID = 1738

French Conference ID = 1838

Portuguese Conference ID = 5393


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Audio connection:

 To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.
USA Toll: 1-240-454-0879
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Access code: 922 749 685

Action Items:   EN & ES          

Recording: EN, ES, PTFR

Webex Chat Transcript:   EN/ES

Transcription: EN, ESPTFR


ES:  Humberto Carrasco, Sergio Salinas Porto, Vanda Scartezini, Carlos Raúl Gutierrez, Martiza Agüero, Carlos Vera, Ricardo Holmqvist, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Claudio Lucena, Lito Ibara, Aida Noblia, Raitme Citterio, Harold Arcos, Alejandro Pisanty, Andre Griffith (joined late), Sylvia Herlein Leite (joined late), Alberto Soto (joining 15-20mins late)

EN: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Andre Griffith

FR:  none

PT:  none

Apologies:  Gilberto Lara, Bartlett Morgan

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber


ES: Veronica and David

PT: Bettina and Esperanza

FR: Jacques and Claire

Call Management: Gisella Gruber


  1. Bienvenida - Humberto Carrasco (1 minuto).
  2. Aprobación de la Agenda - Maritza Agüero (2 minutos).
  3. Revisión de las consultas públicas del ALAC. Presentación a cargo de Ricardo Holmquist, ALAC Member (15 minutos).

    Reference: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice

    Statements approved by the ALAC

    Statements in process - DraftComment or Vote

    Statements that seem to be stalled

    Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements

    New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions

        • None

    Upcoming Public Comment Requests


        • .COOP Registry Agreement Renewal
        • Proposal for Updated Supported Traveler Guidelines
        • New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Initial Report
        • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
        • Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
        • Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
        • Proposal for Gurumukhi Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
        • Fellowship Program Review Consultation


  4. GDPR - Actualización y principales puntos a tener en cuenta. Presentación a cargo de Cláudio Lucena (Brasil), catedrático de la Universidad del Estado de Paraíba e investigador de la  Fundación Ciencia y Tecnologia de Portugal (20 minutos)
    1. Presentación
  5. Registro del Nombre de Dominio "O.COM". Presentación a cargo Carlos Raúl Gutierrez, Consejero GNSO (15 minutos).
  6. Debate - Party House (CPH) sobre revisión At-Large (10 minutos).
  7. Otros temas de interés -  (10 minutos).


  1. Welcome  - Humberto Carrasco (1 minute).
  2. Agenda Aproval - Maritza Aguero (2 minutes).
  3. ALAC Public Consulations -  Ricardo Holmquist, ALAC member (15 minutes).

    Reference: 2018 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice

    Statements approved by the ALAC

    Statements in process - DraftComment or Vote

    Statements that seem to be stalled

    Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements

    New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions

        • None

    Upcoming Public Comment Requests


        • .COOP Registry Agreement Renewal
        • Proposal for Updated Supported Traveler Guidelines
        • New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Initial Report
        • Implementation of Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program
        • Proposal for Devanagari Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
        • Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) 2 Review: Draft Report and Recommendations
        • Proposal for Gurumukhi Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
        • Fellowship Program Review Consultation


  4. GDPR - Update and main points to take into account - Cláudio Lucena (Brasil), Professor at the State University of Paráiba and researcher at the Science and Technology Foundation -Portugal (20 minutes). 
    1. Presentation
  5. Domain Name "O.COM". Carlos Raúl Gutierrez, GNSO Council (15 minutes).
  6. Debate - Party House (CPH) sobre revisión At-Large (10 minutes)
  7. AOB  (10 minutes).