
Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Action Item

Responsible Council Member


Responsible Staff member

Additional Notes

Assignment of Council Liaisons


  • ICANN Staff to post updated description of Council liaisons to the GNSO Procedures web page.
  • ICANN Staff to update Projects List to account for any new Council liaisons.
  • ICANN Staff to circulate call for volunteers for any liaison roles where the existing liaison wishes to step down (i.e., ccNSO, New gTLD Subsequent Procedures).

Drafting Team on charter related to the next steps for the ICANN Procedure of Handling Whois conflicts with Privacy



  • GNSO Council, after having considered the 1 August letter from Akram Atallah and receiving a brief update from GDD on its 24 August Council meeting, should determine next steps for reviewing the Whois Procedure.
  • Drafting team members to share draft charter and identified questions in charter with respective SG/Cs for feedback, following which the drafting team will review this input and finalize the charter for GNSO Council consideration.
  • Council to consider adoption of charter at its upcoming meetingI
  • ICANN Staff to circulate a call for volunteers on or after 1 June 2018 to the GNSO Stakeholder Groups, with the request for each Stakeholder Group to appoint up to 3 members to the Implementation Advisory Group (IAG). The call for volunteers should also be more widely circulated to seek volunteers to serve as participants and observers to the IAG.

Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team  



  • Council leadership to determine what impact suspensions should have on upcoming meetings on Friday, 3 November 
  • Council leadership to share latest draft as well as final version of SO/AC letter to the ICANN Board 
  • ICANN staff to circulate link to public comment proceeding on the Operating Procedures for ICANN’s Specific Reviews (here: Ask for volunteers to form a drafting team to provide input on behalf of the GNSO Council. Volunteers to date: Susan Kawaguchi
  • Heather Forrest to follow up with SO/AC leadership about next steps for SSR2-RT.
  • ICANN Staff to circulate call for volunteers to establish group of Councilors to review SSR2-RT scoping information and skills matrix and prepare a draft response for Council consideration. Susan Kawaguchi and Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez have volunteered to date.
  • Council leadership to explore options for discussing challenges within the SSR2-RT with the GNSO appointed members of that review team (i.e., Denise Michel, James Gannon, and Norm Ritchie).
  • The Standing Selection Committee, as requested by the GNSO Council, is to review the 3 remaining GNSO SSR2 candidates against the skills matrix developed by SSR2 RT members following ICANN60, and to provide their findings to the GNSO Council 
  • Council Leadership and Team of Councilors to revise letter based on discussions during the Council Meeting and distribute to SO/AC leaders.
  • ICANN Staff to inform the staff supporting the Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR2-RT) that the GNSO Council nominate Rao Naveed bin Rais to replace James Gannon on the SSRT-RT.
  • ICANN Staff to inform the selected applicant that he has been chosen and that the GNSO Council expects that the applicant will represent the views of the entire GNSO community in his work on the SSR2-RT, and provide regular feedback as a group on the discussions taking place in the SSR2-RT, as well as the positions being taken by GNSO Review Team Members.
  • ICANN Staff to send a response to the applicant who was not selected, thanking him for his continued interest. The response should also encourage him to follow the SSR2-RT work, and participate in Public Comments and community discussions.
  • GNSO Council to be reminded that if it is in a position to nominate an additional candidate for the SSR2-RT in the future, the Council will consider Scott McCormick as a first choice for this position, following the SSC’s recommendation that he is also a strong and qualified candidate.

Updated Charter for the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance


  • Council Leadership to ensure that the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance topic, and its proposed new structure, be added to the March 2018 Council meeting agenda as a discussion item.
  • Council Leadership to ensure that the Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance topic, and its proposed new structure, be included in the list of topics to discuss with other SO/ACs during meetings at ICANN61, as appropriate.

GNSO Standing Committee on Budget and Operations (SCBO) review of the Draft FY19 ICANN Operating Plan and Budget


  • SCBO to liaise with New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Co-Chairs to determine if and how concerns about the lack of FY19 budget allocation to the implementation of New gTLD Subsequent Procedures policy recommendations can be addressed in the Council’s public comment. 

Discussion of the Draft Post-Implementation Review Framework


  • ICANN Staff to further develop the draft policy post-implementation review framework, including the development of a detailed process flow document.

Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in all gTLDs data request


  • ICANN policy staff to forward the RPM PDP WG’s DMPM request to the appropriate department of ICANN Organization for the requisite budget and resource approvals.
  • RPMs PDP WG to provide follow-up report on the progress and outcomes of its DMPM request in time for the GNSO Council’s meeting scheduled for 21 December 2017
  • PDP WG Co-Chairs to work with SubPro WG Co-Chairs to provide the GNSO Council with a consolidated timeline by ICANN61. The timeline should include milestones and dependencies, both between the two PDPs, but also external (e.g., CCT-RT). [To be moved to Other Council Related Action Items below]

Staff procurement work on documents for Request for Proposal on track (planned publication by early February)

Note that Council approval requires monthly written updates (including cost tracking) from the WG on the progress of the DMPM request

GNSO members for the ICANN Accountability and Transparency (ATRT3) Review Team


  • GNSO Secretariat to communicate resolved #1 (“The GNSO Council nominates, ranked in order: Brian Cute (RySG), Wolfgang Kleinwächter (NCSG), Stéphane Van Gelder (RySG) as its primary three candidates for the ATRT3. Furthermore, the GNSO nominates, in ranked order: Tatiana Tropina (NCSG), Michael Karanicolas (NCSG), Adetola Sogbesan (BC), Erica Varlese (RySG) to be considered for inclusion in the ATRT3 by the SO-AC Chairs should additional places be available that need to be filled.”) to the staff supporting the ATRT3.
  • GNSO Secretariat to inform the endorsed candidates that the GNSO Council expects that if selected for the ATRT3, the applicant will represent the views of the entire GNSO community in their work on the ATRT3, and provide regular feedback as a group on the discussions taking place in the ATRT3, as well as the positions being taken by GNSO Review Team members. (to be completed after meeting with other SO/ACs to determine final Review Team membership)
  • Staff supporting the ATRT3 and application process to send a response to those applicants who did not receive endorsement for this Review Team, thanking them for their interest and note their importance in the event an alternate is needed in the future. The response should encourage them to follow the ATRT3 work, participate in Public Comments and community discussions, and to apply for future opportunities within the GNSO Community as they arise. (to be completed after meeting with other SO/ACs to determine final Review Team membership)
  • ICANN Staff to post GNSO Council Leadership letter to GNSO nominated ATRT3 members on the GNSO Correspondence page.

Revised GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws


  • Staff to put forth recommendation on how Council can better consider topic and determine next steps (e.g., webinar, review red-line of GNSO Operating Procedures/ICANN Bylaws, etc.)
  • Council to consider next steps and provide feedback on what further is needed for the discussion planned during the Council Strategic Planning Session in January 2018.
  • ICANN Staff to post the new version of the GNSO Operating Procedures on the GNSO website, effective immediately.
  • ICANN Staff to inform the ICANN Board of Directors that the GNSO Council recommends adoption of the proposed changes to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws to reflect new GNSO voting thresholds, which are different from the current threshold of a simple majority vote of each House (see

Other Council Related Action Items

TopicEntry DateAction Item

Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in all gTLDs data request

  • PDP WG Co-Chairs to work with SubPro WG Co-Chairs to provide the GNSO Council with a consolidated timeline by ICANN61. The timeline should include milestones and dependencies, both between the two PDPs, but also external (e.g., CCT-RT).