Wednesday 14 March from 15.15 - 18.30 local time



Primary Goal: Apply Saturday F2F results in order to converge on purpose definitions and complete deliberation on purposes and associated data.

1. Introductions and SOI Updates (Wednesday 15:15-15:20)

2. Quick review of Meeting Goals and Saturday progress (Wednesday 15:20 – 15:30)

3. Review remaining DT answers on entities to be identified or contacted for each possible purpose for processing gTLD registration data 

4. Deliberate on remaining possible purposes for processing gTLD registration data (16:50-18:15, tentative)

5. Confirm action items and proposed agreements (last 15 minutes of both F2F sessions)


Notes/Action Items

Action Items and Notes from RDS PDP WG Call – 14 March 2018

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki.

1. Introductions and SOI Updates

2. Quick review of Meeting Goals and Saturday progress – Slides 7-8

3. Review remaining DT answers on entities to be identified or contacted for each possible purpose for processing gTLD registration data 

DT5 Regulatory Enforcement  – Slide 9

DT6 Legal Actions  – Slide 10

DT7 Criminal Investigation/DNS Abuse Mitigation Investigation, Notification, and Reputation

DT5 ICANN Contractual Enforcement – Slide 12

4. Deliberate on remaining possible purposes for processing gTLD registration data

Deliberation on ICANN Contractual Enforcement as a possibly legitimate purpose (beginning on p. 25 of PT2 of transcript; 02:18:25 in the recording)

5. Confirm action items and proposed agreements

Action: Staff to append notes from F2F meetings and the DT answers to each DT’s original output, as input to deliberation on each purpose

Action: Staff to draft summary table of answers provided by DTs for all purposes, as input to deliberation

Action: Staff to identify sections of recording and transcript covering ICANN Contractual Enforcement, to help WG members not in attendance catch up in advance of 3/27 WG Call.

Action: Staff to relay 3/27 WG Call details to ICANN Compliance, with invitation to attend remainder of deliberation on this purpose.

Meeting Materials