The following terms when used in these Rules of Procedure shall have the meanings here indicated:

“At-Large Structure” or “ALS” means any organisation that has applied for, and been granted, such status by the then-current process and according to the then-current requirements as decided by and defined by ICANN; 

“General Assembly” or “Assembly” means any meeting or conference, or standing constituent body of the At-Large Community, as well as actual General Assembly sessions of a Regional At-Large Organisation;

"LACRALO matters" means public comments, conference calls (including concurrent chat sessions), mailing list, wiki page and working groups of LACRALO; 
"LACRALO vote" means a vote for election of officers, representatives or motions of LACRALO;

"Participation" or the act of participating means where an ALS-
(1) contributes to at least two of the LACRALO matters, or 
(2) does not neglect its duty to cast a vote, nominate a proxy or abstain from a LACRALO vote on three consecutive occasions.

"Participation Evaluation" means where an ALS does not meet the criteria for participation under (2) their representative must within one month submit a written report to the Secretariat detailing the reason for not participating in the LACRALO vote, as well as the ALS' participation and the value of their contribution under (1). This ALS' contribution and report will be considered and recommendations made within one month to the ALS to increase participation.
"Suspension" means where an ALS loses its voting rights because it has not followed the recommendations given from Participation Evaluation or increased its participation, during Suspension an ALS is encouraged to participate in at least two of the LACRALO matters in order come off Suspension. Suspension lasts a maximum of 12 months.
"Strike off" means where an ALS is removed from LACRALO either-
(1) due to its failure to come off Suspension, because it has not increased its participation either by the recommendations from Participation evaluation or other means applicable during Suspension, within 12 months or
(2) by any other motion passed by a majority of not less than 2/3 of the LACRALO ALSes.
"Virtual meeting" means the use of electronic mechanisms to facilitate remote participation.


Los siguientes términos tendrán el significado que se indica a continuación cuando se utilicen dentro del contexto del Reglamento de Procedimientos:

“Asamblea General” o “Asamblea” se refiere a cualquier reunión o conferencia, o cualquier organismo constituyente vigente de la Comunidad de Alcance, así como las sesiones celebradas por la Asamblea General de una Organización Regional de Alcance;

“Estructura de Alcance” o “ALS” se refiere a cualquier organización que haya solicitado este estatus, y que así se le haya otorgado conforme al procedimiento y a los requerimientos vigentes en ese entonces, según lo haya decidido y determinado la ICANN.

Una reunion virtual significará el uso de un medio electrónico que facilite la participación remota.