1. The Brainstorming document Dec 19  was approved by all Board members.

 Proposal 1: Set up a Webinar on GDPR with Euro-specific approach.

 Proposal 2:  Set-up a Webinar on the topic Framework of Interpretation and Develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment

Proposal 3 : Discussions are still ongoing about RDS (Registration Directory Services) and SSR2-RT (Security & Stability Review Team #2); there is still a focus on the security aspect: privacy vs. security.

Study practical issues linked to security as it relates to the DNS. – could this be done with the help of SSAC?

 Proposal 4

o   Publish results of project successes and publish them:

o   Link Twitter feed to Facebook page

o   Link blog feed to Facebook page

o   Tell members to post to the Facebook channel https://www.facebook.com/EURALO/

o   Need to find a Curator for Facebook Page. Could it be the EURALO Secretary?

EURALO CROP requests- The following meetings were identified as suitable to request CROP support:

Outreach and Engagement Calendar

- The existing events calendar needs to be populated.

-  The question of how to populate the calendar will be placed to the EURALO ALS engagement task-force in coordination with communications team.

Collaboration with RIPE next steps: