CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Draft Recommendations on the ICANN Ombudsman Office (IOO)


Emailed Remarks from Phil Koury - Independent Assessor on Ombudsman Draft


WS2 Transparency - Revised Recommendations_Redrafted


WS2 Diversity Report - version 5 (clean)


Gender Diversity Participation Survey Report


Revised TimelineN/AWS2 Revised timeline


Staff Accountability Report for First Reading @ ICANN59


Mailing list Announcement

Report Staff Accountability Rev1.0 - Plenary Reading 1

Supplement to Report Staff Acct - Rev0.7


Reviewing CEP Discussion Paper for F2F at ICANN59


Mailing list Announcement

CEP discussion paper


Request to Chartering Orgs for Extension of work for FY18


Mailing List Announcement

CCWG-Accountability-WS2-Extension-Submission to CharteringOrganzationsV1.2BT
 INTA Comments on WS2 Transparency Draft RecommendationsNAINTA Comments WS2 Transparency Draft Recommendations
 Response to CCWG Accountability WS2 Subgroup SO/AC Accountability questions regarding SO/AC AccountabilityNAALAC_Accountability-v04
 FoI-HR and Considerations - Human Rights Subgroup Full Consensus (with added footnote 4)Mailing list announcementProposed FoI-HR and Considerations for CCWG

Projected costs vs Budget for extending WS2 for all of FY18

N/ACCWG-Accountability-WS2-FY18-Draft Expenses Cover Sheet V1.0BT
 Jurisdiction Revised Work Plan and Schedule (discussion draft)Jurisdiction Subgroup Revised Work Plan and Schedule 11 April 2017Jurisdiction Subgroup Revised Work Plan and Schedule 11 April 2017
 CCWG Recommendation to the ICANN Board regarding ATRT3 with respect to collision of topics between ATRT3 and CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 topicsN/A2017-04-06 Steve Crocker to SO/AC Leadership
 ICANN Board letter to Human Rights SubgroupN/A2017-04-07 Steve Crocker to HRWS2 and CCWG-ACCT Chairs
 FoI-HR and Considerations - Human Rights Subgroup Full ConsensusGoogle doc:

Mailing list announcement

Proposed FoI-HR and Considerations for CCWG
 Jurisdiction Litigation Sign-Up Sheet
 SOAC-Accountability ReportSOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 2.0]SOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 2.0]
 Diversity Questionnaire for second reading at CCWG ACCT Plenary F2FN/A
 SOAC-Accountability ReportSOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 1.1]


see response from ICANN Board dated 7 April 2017 (above)

CCWG Recommendation to the ICANN Board regarding ATRT3 with respect to collision of topics between ATRT3 and CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 topics 

 Input from SSAC to Human Rights SubgroupN/ASSAC Input to CCWG-Acc WS2 Human Rights v1.1

CCWG-Accountability WS2 Public Consultations Presentations used at ICANN58

 SOAC-Accountability ReportSOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 1.0]SOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 1.0]
 Letter from the Registries and Registrars on Staff AccountabilityN/ACPH Follow Up to 15 December letter to Board and CEO.pdf
 Terminology for the ICANN trinityGoogle DocPossible terms Possible terms

New version Draft Document Re: Complaints Office






How to organize the various WS2 request for new mechanisms to increase ICANN accountability?

 WS2 Good Faith Public Comment DocumentCCWG-Accountability-WS2-GoodFaith-PublicConsultationon-February2017-DocumentV1.9clean.docxCCWG-Accountability-WS2-GoodFaith-PublicConsultationon-February2017-DocumentV1.9clean[2].pdf
 IPC Answers to SOACs QuestionsIPC Response to WS2 CCWG-Acct SOAC Subgroup Questions.docxIPC Response to WS2 CCWG-Acct SOAC Subgroup Questions.pdf
 NCUC Answers to SOAC QuestionsNCUC Answers to SOAC QuestionsNCUC Answers to SOAC Questions
 ASO Response to SOACs QuestionsN/AASO Response SOAC Ques.pdf
 SSAC Answers to SOAC QuestionsSO AC questions SSAC.docxSO AC questions SSAC.pdf
 GAC Response to SOACs QuestionsGAC_20161209 SO AC questions FINAL.docxGAC_20161209 SO AC questions FINAL.pdf
 ccNSO Response to SOACs QuestionsSOAC questions answered by ccNSO_v2.docxSOAC questions answered by ccNSO_v2.pdf
 Proposed Framework of Interpretation for Human RightsProposed FOI for HRProposed FOI for HR
 CCWG ACCT Proposal for Limited Scope of the ATRT3 ReviewN/AATRT3 Letter to SOACs
 WS2 TimelineCCWG WS2 timeline 01Dec16rev.pptxCCWG WS2 timeline 01Dec16rev.pdf
 SO/AC QuestionsSO AC questions [revised 2-Nov, v2].docxSO AC questions [revised 2-Nov, v2].pdf
 Final Letter on Collision of WS2 and ATRT3CCWG-LetterOnCollisionsOfWS2andATRT3-Final2.docxCCWG-LetterOnCollisionsOfWS2andATRT3-Final2.pdf
 Draft letter to the Board with the CCWG recommendation with respect to ATRT3N/ACCWG-Letter On Collisions Of WS2 and ATRT3
 CCWG Budget Legal Cost Control MechanismsN/ACCWG Budget Legal cost control mechanisms.pdf
 CCWG Comments on Draft New ICANN AoCN/ACCWG-Comments on Draft New ICANN Articles of IncorporationV1
 Comments - AoCN/ACCWG-Comments on Draft New ICANN Articles of Incorporation.pdf
 Update on Expressions of Interest(info) Google DocumentEoIforWS2topics_1July.pdf
 Board Guidelines Issue Paper(info) Google DocumentGuidelinesIssuePaper.pdf
 Human Rights Issue Paper(info) Google DocumentHRIssuePaper.pdf
 Ombudsman Issue Paper(info) Google DocumentOmbudsmanIssuePaper.pdf
 Alan Greenberg on TransparencyAlan-Transparency-CCWG.pptxAlan-Transparency-CCWG.pdf
 Steve Delbianco on SO/AC AccountabilitySteve on SOAC Accountability.pptxSteve on SOAC Accountability.pdf
 Mathieu Weill on DiversityMWE Lightning Talk Helsinki.pptxMWE Lightning Talk Helsinki.pdf
 Siva Muthusamy on Board guidelinesN/A

Siva Board Accountability.pdf


 Niels Ten Oever on Human rightsN/ANiels Lightning Talk .pdf
 Pedro Ivo Da Silva on JurisdictionPedro Jurisdiction.pptxPedro Jurisdiction.pdf
 Jordan Carter talk on Jurisdiction
 Meeting slide deckN/ACCWG Helsinki Meeting FINAL.pdf
 PCST Status on FY17 CCWG BudgetN/APCST Status on FY17 CCWG budget - 20Jun16 v1 0.pdf
 Sign up for WS2 Topics

Google doc 

 Sign up for Lightning Talks at ICANN56-HelsinkiGoogle doc N/A
 WS2 Plan & Helsinki AgendaN/AWS2 plan and Helsinki agenda
 WS2 Presentation & FY17 EstimatesN/APresentation for WS2 and FY17 estimates
Mindmap WS2 TopicsN/AMindmap