Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the APRALO History Project Call on Thursday, 05 October 2017 from 04:30 to 05:30 UTC.
  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_XYhEB&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=9z1qD4PzKl4721QiCoyw-gIDySh78RssYxxWwcE2pFA&s=YGYdNd2tTZ4pCdALPxEOhenF7ggdFiU9WrWEOgKZ6k0&e= .
  Evin Erdogdu:APRALO History Project wiki page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_coNEB&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=9z1qD4PzKl4721QiCoyw-gIDySh78RssYxxWwcE2pFA&s=lIPcWctHdPhv3NzWudo_jtVQLTW7exBD3N4sybovTWY&e= .
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello eveyone ! 
  Evin Erdogdu:Hello, welcome!
  1638:Hi Good morning Everyone
  1638:Im Rohan
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I assume my sound check was ok 👌 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes Satish 
  Satish Babu:Thanks Cheryl!
  Lianna Galstyan:what's this noise from?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I have an overlapped call with this at the top of the hour,  so I will be splitting my attention *again *
  1638:noise is there
  Evin Erdogdu:Noted, thanks Cheryl.
  Pavan Budhrani:hi all, i am on the road and only able to listen for the time being
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:is Maureen joining? 
  Evin Erdogdu:I believe she is on the road...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:darn 
  Satish Babu:Better now.
  Satish Babu:Cheryl, are you muted?
  Evin Erdogdu:For reference - APRALO History Project wiki page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_APRALO_APRALO-2BHistory-2BProject&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=9z1qD4PzKl4721QiCoyw-gIDySh78RssYxxWwcE2pFA&s=dr_iVxAaJ2Yx0GLWcj1szFvDiZthmsNaExr7irkTCYc&e= .
  Lianna Galstyan:Absolutely agree with both the aim and targeted audience. 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:agree absolutely Satish 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:+++++
  Satish Babu:Did we lose Kaili?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:audio 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes lost him 
  Satish Babu:Yes
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome back, Kaili!
  Satish Babu:Yes...
  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Cheryl. We have only a few weeks before Abu Dhabi, so need to focus on what can be completed before then (Ebook) as well as some interviews before and during Abu Dhabi
  1638:yes Agree
  Heidi Ullrich:Mathias Langenegger ;)
  Evin Erdogdu:Yes!
  Pavan Budhrani:i could get a video from charles mok, regarding former chairs 
  Lianna Galstyan:that'll be great, Pavan
  Silvia Vivanco:I have noted it Pavan
  Pavan Budhrani:okay great!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes good idea Heidi 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:including KT 
  Silvia Vivanco:Advisory Committee members: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_APRALO_APRALO-2BICANN-2B60-2BGeneral-2BAssembly-2BAdvisory-2BCommittee&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=9z1qD4PzKl4721QiCoyw-gIDySh78RssYxxWwcE2pFA&s=6pEZeF_ZGk-RBnMpyIJhRzzptONA35J-GYWtb6Cx5WE&e=
  Heidi Ullrich:We will need a list of people to be interviewed by staff
  Heidi Ullrich:Who is making ebooks? 
  Silvia Vivanco:APRALO members could do a testimonial (self recorded ) as well - 1 or 2 mins 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes and send any visual
  Evin Erdogdu:Seems to be a delay in audio for Kaili...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:images etched., they have 
  Heidi Ullrich:Re Ebooks, ICANN/At-Large has software
  Heidi Ullrich:Glenn and Maureen have produced many ebooks
  Satish Babu:Yes
  Heidi Ullrich:We can hear you very well
  Satish Babu:Can we record on Saturday/Sunday and produce the ebook on Wednesday (at Abu Dhabi)?
  Satish Babu::-)
  Evin Erdogdu:Be careful Cheryl!!
  Heidi Ullrich:Could we agree on producing one ebook and one video for ICANN 60? 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it is the season,  but the pythons usually keep these ones away from the house pond 
  Heidi Ullrich:lovely....
  Heidi Ullrich:When will the ebook and video be shown in Abu Dhabi? 
  Heidi Ullrich:how long would be given to their presentation? 
  Satish Babu:We can release both at the GA Session
  Silvia Vivanco:+ 1 Satish 
  Heidi Ullrich:How about one at the Showcase and one at the GA? 
  Satish Babu:Sorry, pls carry on, Kaili
  Heidi Ullrich:We can hear you, Satish
  Lianna Galstyan:yes Satish 
  1638:we can here u satish
  Kaili Kan:cannot hear Satish...
  Evin Erdogdu:Would you like a dial-out, Kaili?
  Evin Erdogdu:Satish can be heard, we believe you may be experiencing a technical issue.
  Kaili Kan:I lost connection again?
  Evin Erdogdu:Perhaps. Could you try re-entering the AC Room?
  Kaili Kan:I lost connection ...
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome back, Kaili!
  Nadira:Apologies for being late
  Heidi Ullrich:Do you agree the video should be around 3 -4 mins for ICANN 60? 
  Heidi Ullrich:We will not be able to include all of the people mentioned in this time - so only clips
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:get what you can then edit down and use what works 
  Heidi Ullrich:and perhaps archive the full interview for the next steps of the APRALO History project
  Satish Babu:Agree with Heidi & CLO
  Silvia Vivanco:Yes Kaili, there could be testimonials (even self recorded) 
  Lianna Galstyan:Yes Heidi
  Ariel Liang:that's right, Skype interview would be the way to go 
  Heidi Ullrich:Yes, Kaili
  Heidi Ullrich:we can then interview some people in person
  Nadira:For the video it would be good to have a scenario for the interview
  Heidi Ullrich:during ICANN 60
  Silvia Vivanco:the scenario could be our "Outreach table" where we will have the banner and a red table cloth 
  Kaili Kan:lost again
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we hear you Heidi 
  Evin Erdogdu:We can hear you Heidi - Kaili, perhaps try re-entering the AC Room.
  Evin Erdogdu:Sorry, Kaili!
  Heidi Ullrich:@Kaili, I asked regarding whether the format should be structured (same questions to all) or more free flowing
  Heidi Ullrich:Satish is suggesting perhaps a balance
  Nadira:+1 Satish
  Silvia Vivanco:that seems a great approach Satish 
  Heidi Ullrich:@Satish, we will need the questions ASAP
  Silvia Vivanco:and looking at the past and at the future 
  Silvia Vivanco:so retrospective and then what comes next 
  Satish Babu:That's a great idea, Heidi!
  Satish Babu:Ariel could do the initial questions and we could review them.
  Nadira:Yes Heidi
  Heidi Ullrich:Again, we will do our best to interview as many before and at ICANN 60
  Heidi Ullrich:but we are constrained by our other work that must take place before an ICANN meeting
  Satish Babu:Yes, I can do it.
  Evin Erdogdu:Could you please repeat the question, Kaili?
  Nadira:Just wanted to suggest adding Siranush for interviewing
  Satish Babu:@Nadira, Siranush is already on the Advisory Committee.
  Satish Babu:https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+ICANN+60+General+Assembly+Advisory+Committee
  Silvia Vivanco:dropbox is good 
  Silvia Vivanco:as all can access it and put materials there 
  Heidi Ullrich:Maureen will create the ebook I thoght
  Satish Babu:@Heidi, I suppose that is a reasonable suggestion.
  Satish Babu:We can get the ebook done. 
  Satish Babu:I assume that the video would be done by Ariel & ICANN Staff
  Nadira:Once the material has set collected in any format it will be easy converted to an ebook
  1638:I also can participate to create the ebook
  Satish Babu:Thanks Rohan...
  Heidi Ullrich:when should this group meet next? 
  Heidi Ullrich:in 10 days or so? 
  Satish Babu:10 days should be fine.
  Silvia Vivanco:We could do it same day /same time next week
  1638:15 is october is ok with me 
  Evin Erdogdu:FYI All 1638 = Rohan Perera.
  Heidi Ullrich:Next week at this time is fine
  Silvia Vivanco:Staff can send a doodle with 2 options 
  Lianna Galstyan:thanks Silvia
  Silvia Vivanco:we are voting now I see 
  Satish Babu:Thank you Kaili and all!
  Nadira:Thanks all
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All! 
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Kaili, let us keep working in the meantime by email and wiki page 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye 👋 
  Lianna Galstyan:thanks and bye
  Ariel Liang:thanks all
  1638:Thanks all and buy