** For Candidate Statement: https://community.icann.org/x/fQwhB

** For list of members Checked-in: https://community.icann.org/x/fwwhB


The time-table and details on the upcoming 2017 NCSG annual election are below. 

The candidate nomination period runs 31 July - 13 August, and the voting takes place 21 August - September 3 for all positions.

Nominations of candidates, their acceptance and the required candidacy statement should all be made to the NCSG discuss list by the dates below to be effective.

*The following 5 NCSG positions are up for election this fall:*

  1. NCSG Chair, currently Tapani Tarvainen, not eligible for re-election;
  2. 2-year Council seat, currently Marilia Maciel, eligible for one more term;
  3. 2-year Council seat, currently Stefania Milan, eligible for one more term;
  4. 2-year Council seat, held by Martin Silva Valent as temporary replacement for Amr Elsadr, who resigned from the council;
  5. 1-year Council seat, held by Tatiana Tropina as temporary alternate for Edward Morris, who also resigned from the council.

*NCSG Election Schedule:*

*Nomination Process:*

Any member of the NCSG may nominate any NCSG active member either for the position of an NCSG GNSO Council Representative or for NCSG Chair.

Once nominated, the nominee is responsible for public acceptance of the nomination and for making a *public statement* that includes:

   - Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;
   - Any conflicts of interest;
   - Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position;
   - Qualifications for the position;
   - Statement of availability for the time the position requires; and
   - Optionally, any other information that the candidate believes is relevant.

**  Also note that under the rules, no more than two (2) NCSG GNSO Council Representatives can be declared resident of the same geographic region as defined by ICANN, and there should be at least two of each gender.

The 2 continuing NCSG GNSO Councilors (those not up for election now) are from Asia Pacific & North America regions, one man, one woman.

**  These terms all commence on 3 November (at the conclusion of the 2017 Annual ICANN Meeting in Hyderabad).

**  All NCSG members will receive a separate email notice requesting "check-in" and verification of email address.

Election Process

This is an election with ballots.

The selection will not occur through acclamation.

2017 NCSG Election Candidates

I.  2017-2018 NCSG Chair

(1 to elect) 1-year term 

Nominated Candidate
Nominated By
Accepted Nomination
Candidate Statement
Geographic Region
Farzaneh BadiiAyden FérdelineYes
Dorothy GordonWisdom DonkorNo
David Cake


Avri DoriaRaoul PlommerNo

II.  2017 NCSG GNSO Representatives

(3 to elect) each 2-year terms and (1 to elect) 1-year term

Nominated Candidate
Nominated By
Accepted Nomination
Candidate Statement
Geographic Region
Marilia MacielOlévié Kouami

Stefania MilanOlévié Kouami
Martin Silva ValentRaoul PlommerYeshttps://community.icann.org/x/fQwhBLAC
Ayden FérdelineMilton MuellerYeshttps://community.icann.org/x/fQwhBEurope
Arsène TungaliMamadou LOYeshttps://community.icann.org/x/fQwhBAfrica
Michael KaranicolasRobin GrossYeshttps://community.icann.org/x/fQwhBNA
Tatiana TropinaMichael OghiaYeshttps://community.icann.org/x/fQwhBEurope

** For Candidate Statement please go to: https://community.icann.org/x/fQwhB