Summary of Status

Phase 1: Work Already Underway

Approved by Consensus:

Recommendation 8: That Working Groups should have an explicit role in responding to implementation issues related to policy they have developed.

Recommendation 14: That the GNSO further explores PDP ‘chunking’ and examines each potential PDP as to its feasibility for breaking into discrete stages.

Recommendation 15: That the GNSO continues current PDP Improvements Project initiatives to address timeliness of the PDP.

Recommendation 16: That a policy impact assessment (PIA) be included as a standard part of any policy process.

Out for Consensus Call:

Recommendations 24 & 25: 24 – That the GNSO Council and Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies adhere to the published process for applications for new Constituencies. That the ICANN Board in assessing an application satisfy itself that all parties have followed the published process, subject to which the default outcome is that a new Constituency is admitted. That all applications for new Constituencies, including historic applications, be published on the ICANN website with full transparency of decision-making. 25 – That the GNSO Council commission the development of, and implement, guidelines to provide assistance for groups wishing to establish a new Constituency.

WG Reviewing Charters:

Recommendations 10/11  10 – That the GNSO Council develop criteria for Working Groups to engage a professional facilitator/moderator in certain situations. 11 – That the face-to-face PDP Working Group pilot project be assessed when completed. If the results are beneficial, guidelines should be developed and support funding made available.

Recommendation 13: That the GNSO Council evaluate and, if appropriate, pilot a technology solution (such as Loomio or similar) to facilitate wider participation in Working Group consensus-based decision making.

Staff to Draft Charters:

Recommendation 30: That the GNSO develop and implement a policy for the provision of administrative support for Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies; and that Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies annually review and evaluate the effectiveness of administrative support they receive.

Recommendation 19: As strategic manager rather than a policy body the GNSO Council should continue to focus on ensuring that a Working Group has been properly constituted, has thoroughly fulfilled the terms of its charter and has followed due process.

Phase 2: High Priority Recommendations

Approved by Consensus:


Out for Consensus Call:


WG Reviewing Charters:


Staff to Draft Charters:


Phase 3: Medium and Low Priority Recommendations

Approved by Consensus:


Out for Consensus Call:


WG Reviewing Charters:


Staff to Draft Charters:


Documents for Review:

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 10-11 v1 07 June 2017.pdf

Consensus Call:

CONSENSUS CALL-GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 24-25 v3 08 June 2017.pdf - Closes COB 03 July 2017

Approved by Consensus:

CONSENSUS CALL-GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 8 v4 12 April 2017.pdf – 04 May 2017

CONSENSUS CALL-GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 14&15 v2 13 April 2017.pdf – 04 May 2017

CONSENSUS CALL-GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 16 v2 15 May 2017.pdf – 29 May 2017