Final Timeline: Activities between the release of the Preliminary Draft Report to the release of the Final Report (published on )

Friday 6 January 2016 23:59 UTC: end of feedback period on the draft Initial Report for At-Large Review Working Party

Monday 23 January 2017 23:59 UTC: ITEMS submits Initial Report for ICANN Public Comment

Friday 3 March 2017 23:59 UTC: ICANN Public Comment on the Initial Report closes

11-16 March 2017 @ ICANN58: Workshop with ITEMS / At-Large Review Working Party (+ ‘guests’)

Monday 10 April 2017: ITEMS submits draft Final Report for discussion to the At-Large Review Working Party 

Proposed Timeline: Activities between the release of the Preliminary Draft Report to the release of the Final Report (published on 

Proposed Timeline (published on 

Proposed Timeline (published on