Constituency Comment 1 (CC1)

Overview of all responses to CC1: 

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 14 Sept 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 21 Sept 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 6 Oct 2016.xlsx (As PDF)

CC1 Review Tool SubPro PDP WG 26 Oct 2016.xlsx (As PDF)


Letters sent to chairs of the SO/AC/SG/Cs:

ALAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

ALAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

ASO Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

ASO Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

CBUC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

CBUC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

ccNSO Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

ccNSO Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

GAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

GAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

IPC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

IPC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

ISPCP Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

ISPCP Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

NCSG Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

NCSG Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

NCUC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

NCUC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

NPOC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

NPOC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

RrSG Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

RrSG Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

RSSAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

RSSAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

RySG Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

RySG Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf

SSAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.docx

SSAC Outreach - Community Comment 1.pdf


Tracking - Expected response by 25 July 2016

Community GroupResponded (Date)Description of Response
ALACRequested Extension 
ccNSO25 July 2016Response from Katrina Sataki, Chair of the ccNSO:

"If we talk about the concerns that the ccNSO have had with respect to the new gTLDs, I think the main one is about the use of country and teritory names as gTLDs. Here’s the letter our chair sent back in 2009:"

GAC29 July 201620160729_GAC reply to GNSO SubProcWG questions.pdf
IPC19 August 2016IPC Response - Community Comment 1.pdf
NPOCN/ANo response to be provided
RySG05 August 2016RySG comments on NewgTLD Subsequent Proceduresl.pdf
SSAC25 October 2016SAC086 SSAC Response to the GNSO PDP Working Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures-Community Comment 19 October 2016.pdf



DRAFT_Community Comment 1_Redline_8Jun2016.docx

DRAFT_Community Comment 1_Redline_2Jun2016.docx

DRAFT_Community Comment 1_Clean_2Jun2016.docx



4.2.1 Cancelling Subsequent Procedures

4.2.15 Different TLD Types

4.2.7 Applications Assessed in Rounds

4.2.2 Predictability

4.2.4 Community Engagement

4.2.16 Application Submission Limits

Additional community efforts, data and metrics, or other things the PDP WG should take into consideration.


Working Draft: