Updated implementation plan (November 2019): TTImplementationPlanNov2019.pdf

Draft Policy Document for IRT Review (August 2018): TT Policy Draft_August 2018_IRT.pdf

Call 15: 20 February 2018


Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p8uo3ow0tf7/

Call 14: 14 December 2017


Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p1xtx77f7wg/

Draft Policy Document for IRTTT Policy December 2017.pdf

Updated implementation plan: TTImplementationPlanJanuary2018.pdf

Call 13: 11 October 2017


Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p4tovf8i2dd/

Call 12: 29 September 2017

Draft Policy Language, October 2017: TT Policy Oct 2017_DRAFT.docx

Latest implementation plan: TTImplementationPlanSept2017.pdf

Call 11: 8 June 2017


Discussion Document: TT IRT_GNSO Questions.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p1k08js250n/

Updated implementation plan: TTImplementationPlanJune2017.pdf

Call 10: 6 April 2017


Slides ("decision tree"): T.T Decision Points Call 11.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p7tg6tfgdcg/

Updated implementation plan: TTImplementationPlanApril2017.pdf

Call 9: 15 March 2017 - ICANN 58 Copenhagen Face-to-Face Meeting 


Slides ("decision tree"): T.T Decision Points Call 10.pdf

Audio (begins at 27:00 following "Thick WHOIS" presentation): TTRecording27MinToFinal.m3u

AC Chat: AC Chat TT Copenhagen.pdf

Call 8: 27 February 2017


Slides ("decision tree"): T.T Decision Points Call 9.pdf

Meeting Notes (audio recording unavailable due to technical difficulties): TT Call 9 Notes .pdf

Call 7: 6 February 2017


Slides ("decision tree"): T.T Decision Points Call 8 .pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p7vkr30s039/

Call 6: 25 January 2017


Slides ("decision tree"): T.T Decision Points V2.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p28thwf0bet/

Updated implementation plan: TTImplementationPlanJanuary2017.pdf

Call 5: 15 December 2016


Slides: TTIRT Call 6.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p8e0bi7k47o/

Call 4: 8 November 2016 - ICANN 57 Hyderabad Face-to-Face Meeting



Audio: hyd57--2016-11-08-T0741-mr103-uAmLmTrpGbO8XRtyfxZUkjUxutp965pB-en-03[3].mp3

Draft Policy LanguagePolicy Language

Call 3: 25 October 2016


Slides: TTIRTCall4PDF.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC): https://participate.icann.org/p2orqivsbwf/ 

Call 2: 25 August 2016


Discuss “RDAP” vs “WHOIS replacement system” in context of T/T recommendations
Questions and AOB 

Slides: TTIRTCall3PDF.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC)https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p35hmwoprk5/ 

Call 1: 2 August 2016


Review questions from previous call
Discuss Internationalized Registration Data Final Report
Review T/T policy language V1
Questions and AOB 

Slides: TTIRTCall2.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC)https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p5aeqzz5lsi/

Kick Off: 19 July 2016 

Agenda (Kickoff)

Personal Introductions
Introduction to Translation and Transliteration project
Review of Working Group Recommendations  
T/T Scenarios and Examples
T/T Requirements and Deliverables
T/T Timeline

Slides: TTIRTKickoffPDF.pdf

Audio (with chat in AC)https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p3z9jd2ajjw/