Objectives of the SSR Review:

ICANN has developed a plan to enhance the operational stability, reliability, resiliency, security, and global interoperability of the DNS, which will be regularly updated by ICANN to reflect emerging threats to the DNS.

Particular attention will be paid to:

  1. security, stability and resiliency matters, both physical and network, relating to the secure and stable coordination of the Internet DNS;
  2. ensuring appropriate contingency planning; and
  3. maintaining clear processes.

Timeline of Review

One SSR Review has been completed to date, to assess the extent to which "ICANN has successfully implemented its security plan, the effectiveness of the plan to deal with actual and potential challenges and threats, and the extent to which the security plan is sufficiently robust to meet future challenges and threats to the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet DNS, consistent with ICANN's limited technical mission."