To facilitate consideration by the WG, all inputs received through the outreach request #1 are listed below, along with hyperlinks to attached documents.


Submitted by

Message Subject and Attachments


J. Hedlund

SAC081 SSAC Response to Request for Input on Next Generation gTLD RDS to Replace WHOIS Policy Development Process 25 May 2016.docx and PDF

ALACAriel LangAL-ALAC-ST-0616-01-00-EN[1].pdf
RySGC GomesRDS PDP Input from the RySG 16 Jun 16.doc
GACKarine PersetGAC INPUT NGRDS_PDP_-_SO_AC_-_first_requets_for_input_SG_2FD255F.doc
RDS PDP WG Public Comment Review Tool (review of all input received): Outreach #1 - Public Comment Review Tool - FINAL 1 July 2016.pdf