On 5 January 2016, a Request for Proposal was issued to find an independent examiner for the second At-Large Review.  On 13 May 2016, it was announced that ITEMS International was appointed as the independent examiner. 

During their review, ITEMS may use the following methods to gather information:

Once ITEMS collects sufficient information and formulates their analysis and preliminary findings, they will engage with the At-Large Working Party to validate the accuracy and completeness of their findings and the usefulness and feasibility of draft recommendations.  The Draft Report, reflecting clarification and responses from the At-Large, will be published for public comment.  The Report will be updated to reflect public comments and published in its final form.  The Final Report, along with public comments, will be considered by the Organizational Effectiveness Committee and the Board.  After the Board takes action and accepts the report, the implementation phase will begin. 

Key Dates

For more information on key dates for the At-Large Review, see their Activities, Milestones and Statistics workspace.

Key Documents

Contact Information of Independent Examiner and ICANN Staff