On behalf of Jean-Jacques Sahel and Adam Peake


Dear All


Please find below a clean version if the Civil Society Engagement Approach document.  


The attached document does not include the comments made on the Google doc, those you can see online.  

However, we have accepted some of the suggested changes to the text, and other suggestions you will see in square brackets [ … ]  


These can be discussed on the call later. 


On behalf of Jean-Jacques Sahel and Adam Peake



Saygılarımla, Regards, Respectueusement,


Milena TIMUR

EMEA Senior Administrative Assistant, GSE


ICANN-Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Istanbul Hub Office 

Hakki Yeten Cad. Selenium Plaza No: 10/C K: 10

34349 Fulya, Istanbul, Turkey


Direct line : +90 212 999 62 41

Mobile: +90 531 306 51 43

Tel.: +90 212 999 62 22

Email: milena.timur@icann.org

Skype: milena.timur.icann

Jabber: milena.timur@jabber.icann.org


One World, One Internet



DRAFT Approach – ICANN Civil Society and Non-Commercial
engagement in FY16 [Civil Society, Non-Commercial, Academic
and End-User Engagement in FY16]
Considering its Mission of serving the public interest and the global community, including
users, with respect to the coordination of the Internet’s domain name and numbering
systems, ICANN will strive to include a [stronger] diversity of global Internet users in its
work and its composition, by fostering participation from all regions and all groups, and
in particular civil society.
The proposed engagement initiative focuses on raising awareness of ICANN and the
Domain Name System (DNS) among global civil society at large, and encourages
participation in ICANN policy processes by civil society volunteers. The strategy should
also make clear to civil society the benefits of working with ICANN, [and in particular its
policy-related work].
For the purposes of this plan, ‘civil society’ includes Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs), [representatives of] non-commercial individual Internet end-users1, and
academia, in particular those with interests in Internet-related policy and research.
Within ICANN, this will include the GNSO Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG),
with both of its components the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC), and the
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC), as well as the At-Large
community represented by regional At-Large Structures (ALS) that self-identify as civil
society. Not for profit organizations such as industry associations that serve for
profit/commercial interests would not be within scope. (Relations with academia will be
handled in coordination with the Development Public Responsibility Department (DPRD)
academic relations activities).
The long-term goals in engaging with civil society are:
● To increase awareness and knowledge of ICANN, the DNS and Internet
governance ecosystem among civil society groups around the world, and to raise
awareness of how these are relevant and important to civil society missions
● To help enhance the effectiveness of civil society participation in ICANN’s work
Activities to attain these goals will include:
● In order to foster increased participation in ICANN’s policy work, raising
awareness of the relevance of the DNS to civil society missions and day-to-day
operations, then publicising and championing the involvement of civil society in
ICANN [and the Internet Governance ecosystem]. Informing civil society
communities around the world about ICANN, its work and the role of civil society,
towards raising their awareness of ICANN, and of the relevance and value of
participation in ICANN
● Supporting and advising the existing ICANN civil society community in its
outreach efforts, and contributing to enhancing its effectiveness in outreach
through capacity building
In FY16 (starting July 2015), we will strive to deliver on the following objectives:
1. A structured approach: To finalise a specific approach to civil society outreach,
following the ICANN54 meeting. This will include a dedicated communications plan,
including online tools and space on www.icann.org and / or the ICANN Wiki. This would
include support for NCSG and relevant ALSs as they develop and sustain their own
communications strategies.
2. Tailored content and communications: To catalogue existing content produced by
NCSG (NCUC/NPOC) and relevant At-Large Structures, refine or update it when
necessary, and where gaps are identified, develop initial new content by end of 2015 in
liaison with ICANN’s civil society constituencies. Such a catalogue could also include
content produced externally to ICANN. All content will be tailored for use by a civil
society audience, for rollout and communication both online and face-to-face, or through
the media and other publications as appropriate. This engagement approach recognizes
the importance of community-developed content. The starting point for this activity
should be to focus on awareness of the relevance of the DNS, and awareness of and
engagement in ICANN and ICANN's mission. Where possible, online content should be
available for download, ICANN will develop metrics to show how content is being used.
Important materials should be translated[/transcribed].
Potential content and communications:
● Civil society brochure highlighting the work of the NCSG (NCUC/NPOC) and
relevant At-Large Structures. Among other aspects, the brochure would help
distinguish between the different missions of the CS entities in ICANN
● [Glossary with specific Internet terminology]
● NCSG Newcomers Handbook (NCSG chair lead, staff and community support)
● eBooks/pamphlets to highlight the work of NCUC and of NPOC (NCUC under
development, NPOC proposal)
● Journal: idea of launching a call for papers around "civil society and academia in
ICANN and Internet governance" to stimulate conversations, research and
involvement in ICANN
● Dedicated civil society webpages on icann.org, such as a "landing page" for civil
society (e.g. see ICANN for Business)
● Regular updates on ICANN policy processes, concise plain language
● Newsletters:
o Civil society newsletter or digest, published before and after each ICANN
meeting, for example
▪ Based on civil society view of key meeting topics
▪ General ICANN communications team review
▪ What's next
o Civil society section in ICANN's Global Stakeholder Engagement regional
● Social media: Twitter, dedicated civil society email list, Facebook
● Webinars and media:
o Briefing before each ICANN meeting
o Issue specific inter-sessional
● Video and audio podcasts – suggesting interview based (CS in ICANN, success
stories from NCSG/NCUC/NPOC and At-Large, ad-hoc issue specific)
● Participation in each in-country preparatory meeting before each ICANN meeting
● Civil Society "speakers bureau"
● Online events calendar
● Devising an event approach (internal) in order to help steer and prioritise external
engagements, including:
o How to present ICANN civil society
o Consistent theme for ICANN organized sessions at civil society events
o Consistent approach to civil society engagement at national and regional
The engagement initiative should prioritise the activities described above, with a rollout
schedule reflecting that prioritisation.
3. Engagement activities: To rollout a programme of engagement, in line with
respective global and regional strategies, with civil society both at global and regional
levels throughout FY16, to include activities aimed at increased general awareness and
understanding of ICANN among the broader civil society community. Beside supporting
the ICANN communities’ own outreach efforts on an ad-hoc basis, we will develop a mix
of ICANN-own events (e.g. at the IGF-Germany on May 21, 2015 in Berlin, we organised
an outreach pre event for German-speaking CS groups and actors on May 20, in
partnership. with the local IGF organisers), engagement in civil society events in each
main region (e.g. RightsCon, re:publica, etc.), and activities in the run-up to each ICANN
Civil society participants in the ICANN Fellowship and NextGen@ICANN programs
should be encouraged to join and participate in relevant ICANN constituencies and At-
Large structures. As part of this strategic approach, initiatives supporting newcomers’
participation should be further developed by the existing ICANN civil society.
Other considerations include:
● The regional ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement teams contribute to /
participate in most national and regional IGFs. We will consider a consistent civil
society involvement and message for these events (as appropriate)
● Increasing involvement / contribution to Internet governance (summer) schools
and similar
● Organising outreach pre-events in the ICANN Meeting host city some weeks
prior to the meeting
● Consider opportunities for in-reach (for example the ICANN academy), such as,
relevant ICANN-specific training (chairing skills, to policy development, how to
use ICANN technology, e.g. Adobe, wikis, and those developed by ICANN Online
Services (Note, also relevant to capacity building section below)
4. Capacity building: By the end of FY16, to establish and assess a catalogue of
existing civil society capacity building, learning and related programmes, both by ICANN
and by the constituencies themselves; and if necessary, devise a roadmap in liaison with
ICANN’s civil society constituencies to either enhance or put in place such programmes
aimed at increasing civil society capacity and skills (for example through tutorials,
mentoring, and other training and development tools), including toward enhancing the
ICANN communities’ ability to run their own outreach activities. Examples include
programs such as the CROPP program, Language Localization Pilot by the APAC team,
NextGen@ ICANN program, and ICANN Fellowship program and ICANN Learn platform
- which all contribute to this effort.
Internal organisation
In order to best support engagement with civil society, ICANN staff have formed a
dedicated project team to provide local focal points for civil society as well as to develop
and implement this approach in partnership of the community:
● Yaovi Atohoun (Africa)
● Fahd Batayneh (Middle-East)
● Joe Catapano (North America)
● Rodrigo de la Parra (Latin America and Caribbean)
● Adam Peake (Global coordinator)
● Jean-Jacques Sahel (Global lead / Europe)
● Heidi Ullrich (At-Large)
● Kelvin Wong (Asia-Pacific)
Interested community members will have regular interactions with the ICANN staff team
to take forward and coordinate this engagement effort, in the form of [regular] [monthly]
calls. Volunteers to join this contact group welcome.
Annex: Roadmap of external activities for partnership in FY16
The Annex will be presented as a separate stand-alone living document maintained as
an online calendar.
Suggestions/comments have been to:
● Arrange conferences by "type" e.g. academic, IGF (all), etc.
● Arrange conferences by region
● That National and regional IGFs feature in ICANN’s Global Stakeholder
Engagement team’s outreach, NCUC has often organized sessions at the annual
IGFs. A more consistent approach to IGFs has been suggested
● Coordinate between the At-Large community and ICANN Global Stakeholder
Engagement when meetings are organised regionally
● Noting the NARALO event list
● Ensure that the Community provides information about their own conferences
and events, about other relevant civil society events, noting events where ICANN
can consider holding sessions or making some other contribution such as
providing speakers or content