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This is a repository for ICANN documents in Japanese.

Where the documents have been translated into Japanese by the MOU Partners (JPNIC/JPRS) as part of the ICANN-JPNIC-JPRS MOU, the party/parties involved will be stated accordingly.

(See announcement of the ICANN-JPNIC-JPRS MOU here: English: https://www.icann.org/resources/press-material/release-2-2015-06-22-en; Japanese: https://www.icann.org/resources/press-material/release-2-2015-06-22-ja)

All materials are for reference only.


[SAC067] IANA の機能の概要と歴史 [PDF, 2015年6月掲載]

[SAC068] IANA機能に関する契約についてのSSAC報告書 [PDF, 2015年6月掲載]


Resources - ICANN (https://www.icann.org/resources) and Translation

ICANN Document Title (English)Link to JP document
About ICANN - Welcome to ICANN! 
  - FactsheetsJP
     - - New gTLD ProgramJP
     - - IDN ProgramJP
  - Beginner's Guides 
     - - Beginner's Guide to Policy Advice in the At-Large Advisory CommitteeJP
     - - Beginner's Guide to At-Large StructuresJP
  - What ICANN DoesJP
  - Effect on the InternetJP
  - What's Going on NowJP
  - How to participateJP
Governance - Governance Documents 
  - BylawsJP
  - NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition 
     - - Process to Develop the Proposal and Next StepsJP
  - Registrar - Current AgreementJP
 +AOC Review 
  - WHOIS - WHOIS Policy Review 
     - - Reading ListJP (some)
  - DocumentsPending
  - 2015 ICANN Nominating Committee 
     - - Background Information and Code of Conduct 2015JP
     - - Guidelines 2015JP
     - - Members of the ICANN 2015 Nominating CommitteeJP
     - - Operating Procedures 2015JP
     - - Monthly Report Cards 2015JP
Contractual Compliance 
  - Approach & Process - Overall Compliance ApproachJP
 +Reporting & Performance Measurement 
  - Monthly ReportsJP
Registrars - Information for Registrars and RegistrantsJP
 +Changes to Existing AccreditationJP
  - Renewing and Existing AccreditationJP
  - Terminating an AccreditationJP
  - Transferring (Assigning) an ICANN AccreditationJP
  - Purchasing an ICANN-Accredited RegistrarJP
  - Registrar Name ChangeJP
  - Registrar MergerJP
 +How to Become a RegistrarJP
 +Accreditation AgreementJP
 +Consensus PoliciesJP
  Agreements & PoliciesJP
  - Statement of Registrar Accreditation Policy (com, net, org)JP
 +Domain Name TransfersJP
  - FAQ for Domain-Name HoldersJP
Registries - Registry Information 
 +Consensus PoliciesJP
 +Domain Name Dispute Resolution - Domain Name Dispute Resolution PoliciesJP
  - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution PolicyJP
     - - UDRP PolicyJP
     - - ProvidersJP
     - - Provider Approval ProcessJP
     - - Rules for UDRP (the Rules)JP