Welcome to the WHOIS Review Implementation Wiki!

On this space you will find information on the WHOIS implementation initiatives and activities.

11 May 2012 - The WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS) delivered 16 recommendations to the ICANN Board of Directors. Read the WHOIS Review Team's recommendations and report here (translations available).

8 November 2012 The ICANN Board of Directors directed the CEO to launch a new effort to redefine the purpose of collecting, maintaining and providing access to gTLD registration data, and consider safeguards for protecting data, as a foundation for new gTLD policy and contractual negotiations with implementation (read more here). 

The implementation of recommendations from the WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS) began as soon as ICANN’s Board of Directors accepted the Final Report.

For information on the implementation of the 16 recommendations, read the most recent implementation status report (June 2015):





Prior Status Reports:

What is WHOIS Review Team?

To help ensure ICANN's multi-stakeholder model remains transparent and accountable, and to improve its performance, ICANN organizes community reviews of its accountability and transparency commitments no less frequently than every three years, consistent with section 9.1 of the Affirmation of Commitments.

The WHOIS reviews are performed by volunteer Community members and include the following (or their designated nominees):

  • Volunteer community members representing the relevant Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees of ICANN;
  • Ex‐officio members;
  • Independent experts.

The first review completed under the AoC contained 16 recommendations.


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