No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesStatus
42ICANN should enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies, either at ICANN regional offices or in concert with regional events.ALAC; ICANN BoardTG5
  • Finance and Budget
  • ALS Criteria & Expectations 
  • RALO Chairs

Implementation Details

The At-Large Community has made ICANN recognizes the fundamental importance of the representation and participation of users in ICANN’s multistakeholder model. The At-Large Community has also made ICANN recognizes that the existing structures of the At-Large organization depend for their effectiveness on face-to-face meetings, and that based on past experience, the value resulting from such face-to-face meetings has received broad consensus from the community.

In April 2016, the ALAC submitted to the ICANN Board and ICANN Finance department the Proposal for Multi-Year Planning of At-Large RALO Face-to-Face Meetings. In the Proposal, the ALAC recommends ICANN to integrate a five-year cycle of Regional At-Large Organization General Assemblies and At-Large Summits into ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan, relieving the burden from At-Large of making special budget requests every year for these face-to-face meetings. This will improve the predictability of activities and costs for the ICANN organization and allow better planning and increased efficiency in the organization of such meetings.

In June 2016, ICANN Finance department has adopted the recommendation in the Proposal. In addition, the existing special budget requests for FY17 related to the General Assemblies of NARALO and AFRALO, which will be held in concert with regional events, have been approved. 

Next Step

The ALAC Chair, ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget, and the At-Large Selected ICANN Board Director will maintain a watching brief on the integration of At-Large multiyear schedule of General Assemblies and Summits into ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan.

