At-Large Review Working party

ALAC Strategy and Working Session Part 2 

ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session Part I 


At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting 


LACRALO Meeting 

Cross Community Committee on Accessibility

ALAC Work - Part I 


Sub-Committe on Finance and Budget- Session with Xavier


ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce Workspace 


 ALAC Work Part II

         1. At-Large Website Revamp Taskforce to hold call(s) to review the mockup of Get Involved, ALAC, and remaining pages, as well as discuss content migration, translation, and other issues

APRALO Monthly Meeting 

At-Large Capacity Building Working Group


EURALO General Assembly


AFRALO-AfrICANN Joint Meeting 


EURALO General Assembly Part 2

At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting


ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Session

ALAC Leadership Team

ALAC Development Session