Note : Only a subset of Recommendations from the ATLAS II Summit for the Outreach are listed here. See Post-ATLAS II Activities Workspace for the full set of recommendations


 No.RecommendationRecipientThematic Group SourceAssigneesNotesStatus
       2ICANN should increase support (budget, staff) to programmes having brought valuable members to the community.ICANN Board; ICANN StaffTG1
  • Outreach 
  • Capacity Building
  • Finance and Budget
  • Define 'programmes' that brought value members to the community.
  • Need to think of ways to optimize budget.
12In collaboration with At-Large Structures, ICANN should put in place campaigns to raise awareness and extend education programmes across underrepresented regions.ICANN GSE StaffTG2
  • Capacity Building
  • Outreach 
  • GSE Staff

  • Capacity Building WG / Outreach SC to develop a proposal in coordination with the GSE staff and then send the proposal for Board review.
  • The proposal can be expanded on the relevant items listed in the appendix of the ATLAS II Declaration.
     21Encourage public campaigns on using the Internet for education, information, creativity and empowerment.ICANN Board; GSE StaffTG3
  • Outreach
  • Social Media


     38ICANN should ensure that its Beginner Guides are easily accessible.ICANN StaffTG5
  • Outreach
  • Capacity Building
  • Contact Nora Abusitta about this