In addition to regular CCWG-Accountability meetings and at the request of the Chairs, ICANN has offered to support a 2-day face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on 19-20 January 2014

In-Person Attendees: 

listed in order confirmed


  1. Eberhard Lisse (member)
  2. Suzanne Radell (member)
  3. Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (participant)
  4. Kavouss Arasteh (participant – ICG Liaison)
  5. James Bladel (member)
  6. Steve DelBianco (member)
  7. Leon Sanchez (member)
  8. Par Brumark (member)
  9. Nicholas Lisse (observer)
  10. Giovanni Seppia (member)
  11. Mathieu Weill (member)
  12. Roelof Meijer (member)
  13. Jordan Carter (member)
  14. Sebastien Bachollet (member)
  15. Tijani Ben Jemaa (member)
  16. Alan Greenberg (member)
  17. Cheryl Langdon-Orr (member)
  18. Samantha Eisner (member)
  19. Alice Munyua (member)
  20. Thomas Rickert (member)
  21. Robin Gross (member)
  22. Athina Fragkouli (member)
  23. Olga Cavalli (member)
  24. Julia Wolman (member)
  25. Becky Burr (member)
  26. Bruce Tonkin (member)
  27. Martin Boyle (participant)
  28. Fiona Asonga (member)
  29. Keith Drazek (participant – ICG Liaison)
  30. Rafael Perez Galindo (participant)
  31. Camino Manjon-Sierra (participant)
  32. Matthew Shears (participant)
  33. Thomas Schneider (participant)
  34. Jonas Koelle (participant)
  35. Jonathan Zuck (participant)
  36. Malcolm Hutty (participant)
  37. Claudia Selli (observer)
  38. Sabine Meyer (participant)
  39. Hubert Schottner (participant)
  40. Avri Doria (participant – ATRT Expert)
  41. Maura Gambassi (participant)
  42. Rita Forsi (participant)
  43. Wolf Ludwig (participant)
  44. Mark Carvell (participant)
  45. Chris Disspain (participant)
  46. Jan Aart Scholte (Advisor)
  47. Markus Kummer (observer)
  48. Wolfgang Kleinwachter (observer)
  49. Erika Mann (observer)
  50. Phillip Grabensee (observer)
  51. Lars Erik Forsberg