AFRALO Task force: Outreach for more African representation in ICANN leadership positions

Date: Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Time: 13:00-14:00 UTC . (For the time in various timezones click here)


How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638

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Tijani Ben Jemaa, Seun Ojedeji, Michel Tchonang, Alan Greenberg, Ronald Ojino, Beran Gillen, Fatimata seye Sylla

Apologies: Aziz Hilali, Mwendwa Kivuva. Mercy Moyo, Barrack Otieno

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber

Call Management: Gisella Gruber


Action Items:       AFRALO Task force Outreach EN 2014.11.11 Action Item       

Chat:            AFRALO Task force Outreach EN  2014.11.11 Chat 

Recording: EN

Transcript EN, FR



  1. Roll call and house keeping announcement – Staff – 2 min

  2. Adoption of the agenda – Fatimata – 3 min

  3. Discussion of the new draft of draft implementation documents: Seun (Flyer), Mercy (African ICANN Leaders) Fatimata (Outreach Presentation), drafting committee members - 30 min
  4. Next step
  5. AoB - 5 min

AGENDA - Français 

  1. Appel - Staff - 2 min

  2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour - Fatimata - 3 min

  3. Discussion sur le nouveau document d'exécution: Seun (prospectus), Mercy (Dirigeants de lICANN Africains), Fatimata (Presentation de sensibilisation), les membres du comité de rédaction - 30 min

  4. Prochaines étapes - Fatimata - 10 min

  5. Questions Diverses - 5 min