Welcome to the Business Constituency Wiki

This is the workspace of the Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC) with practical information for BC members. 

This space will be updated regularly by the BC Secretariat, with up to date information regarding news of relevance to the BC.

What is the BC?

The Business Constituency (BC) is the voice of commercial Internet users within ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. ICANN is a global body with responsibility for certain policies that relate to the domain name system (DNS). Domain names are the names consumers and businesses rely upon to find websites for legitimate products and services on the Internet. 

Business users rely on a stable and secure Internet and ecommerce experience, one that serves their users and customers on a global basis. Through your participation in ICANN, and in the Business Constituency, your company will make a difference on behalf of business. 

The BC represents business of all types - multi-nationals, medium-size companies and small enterprises. One of the Constituency's strengths is its association membership - which extends BC outreach directly to over 50,000* companies and indirectly to over 1.5 million companies worldwide. Over 88% of these are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). For more information on the BC please visit the BC Web Site:  www.bizconst.org 

Contents of the BC Wiki:

Face-to-Face Meeting Materials/Information: Here
BC Newsletter October 2014
BC Newsletter June 2014
BC Newsletter November 2013
BC Newsletter July 2013
BC Newsletter April 2013
BC Newsletter June 2012 
BC Newsletter March 2012
BC Executive Committee: Here
BC Conference call information:  Here 

Useful Links:

Why Join the Business Constituency?
What is ICANN? 
How can I join the BC? Get your application pack here!

News @ ICANN

Open Public Comments @ ICANN

Comments? Suggestions? Please contact the BC Secretariat: info-bc@icann.org