NCSG Executive Committee 2014-2015


Full Voting Member

Observing Member

NCSG Chair

Rafik Dammak


NPOC Appointee

Rudi Vansnick


NPOC AppointeeKlaus Stoll 
NCUC AppointeeRobin Gross 

NCUC Appointee

Tapani Tarvainen


CC Appointee


  Dorothy Gordon

Term of Office: Annual Meeting October 2014 --> Annual Meeting October 2015

Archive of EC-NCSG Email Discussion List (see also: previous archive)

NCSG Policy Committee Members 2014-2015



Full Voting Member

Observing Member

NCSG Chair (ex-officio)

Rafik Dammak


NCSG GNSO Councilor

Amr Elsadr (Chair)


NCSG GNSO Councilor

Avri Doria


NCSG GNSO Councilor

David Cake


NCSG GNSO CouncilorEd Morris 

NCSG GNSO Councilor

Marilia Maciel

NCSG GNSO Councilor

Stephanie Perrin


ex GNSO Councilor


Maria Farrell

ex GNSO Councilor


Magaly Pazello

NCUC AppointeeMatthew Shears 
NCUC AppointeeJoy Liddicoat 

NPOC Appointee

Rudi Vansnick (replaced by Klaus Stoll)


NPOC Appointee

Sam Lanfranco


CC Appointee


Dorothy Gordon

Term of Office: Annual Meeting October 2014 --> October 2015 Annual Meeting

NCSG Policy Committee Email Archive  (see also: previous archive)

Attendance Record of NCSG Policy & Executive Committee Members at NCSG Policy Meetings (ICANN #45 -->)

NCSG Financial Committee 2014-2015


Full Voting Member

Observing Member

NCSG Chair

Rafik Dammak


NPOC Appointee

Rudi Vansnick


NCUC Appointee

Milton Mueller


CC Appointee


  Dorothy Gordon

Term of Office: Annual Meeting November 2014 --> Annual Meeting October 2015

Archive of NCSG-FC Email Discussion List