The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 13:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST For other times:
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Proposed Agenda:

1.       Stocktaking/wrapping after the London meeting

a.       GNSO liaison to the GAC

b.      Liaison support through GNSO Council PDP Liaisons

c.       GAC members survey

2.       Work plan between now and Los Angeles

a.       Administrative issues

b.      Day-to-Day WT

c.       PDP WT

3.       AoB

a.       Dealing with other / current GAC / GNSO hot topic Issues

For review:

Updates / Action items - 15/7 meeting:

GNSO Liaison to the GAC

Liaison support

GAC members survey

Work plan between now and LA

Day-to-day mechanism

PDP Work Track