Starting Documents

The documents in this section are recommended reading prior to the start of ATLAS II so participants are able to have a fruitful discussion on the future of multistakeholderism


Beginner's Guide to Participating in ICANN

How is ICANN organized? How can I participate in ICANN? 

ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Model Graphic

Silos and how to break (into) them. Is this the only model?

Who runs the Net?

Is ICANN the only one in charge of the Net? Do all involved on running the Net work the same way?

CCWG Input document for NETmundial

Multistakeholderism vs. Multilateralism

NETmundial Multistakeholder outcome document

Is the Multi-stakeholder model broken? Which should be the principles driving it in the upcoming years?

Internet Policy Making

Read articles by Bertrand de la Chapelle and Bill Drake

Marilia Maciel IG and Institutional innovation draft
